7. Knight in Shining Armor

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The next few weeks went by in a blur. They were pretty average, the same routine every day. Waking up, getting breakfast, going to class, lunch, more classes, studying, dinner, and then ending each day by hanging out in the common room with friends. Even though a couple weeks have gone by, you haven't seen Ron since that night in the common room.

Before you knew it, it was only a week time before the annual Yule Ball. You haven't thought about Ron for many weeks, since you haven't seen him in many weeks. You decided to focus on yourself and your friends, not stupid boys.


After a long day of school work, you hung out with the twins and Hermione in the common room.

Hermione brings up the Yule Ball, who will be going with who, and what everyone will be wearing.

"I'm not sure what I am going to do just yet.", you say, confused.

"Well, y/n, you better get started on planning, it will be here sooner than you know!", Hermione reminds you, standing up from the worn-out common room couch.

She walks into the other room to grab her potions book, to study, of course.

The twins, who are sat down next to you, tap you on the shoulder.

"Y/N! The ball is just around the corner! Who are you going to take?", George asks.

"Yeah! You still got your eye on our little brother?" Fred questions you.

"As if. I've only seen him twice! The first time I saw him he completely ghosted me! He said he was going to get us drinks and then he completely left me!"

Fred and George looked at each other as if they've just seen a ghost, which wouldn't be too out of the ordinary for Hogwarts.

George moves closer to you, "y/n, do you happen to remember what time he left you?"

"Not sure. It was so long ago I can hardly remember, but it must've been towards the end."

A look of relief appeared on George's face.

"Uhm, we asked him to go to the astronomy tower with us! we saw him getting drinks and dragged him there, but the whole time he was asking if he could go back so he could dance with you!", Fred giggled.

they were such pranksters, you never knew with those two if they were being serious or not.

"So you're telling me that the whole time I thought I was ghosted when really he was just with you guys?"

"Yes!" They both exclaimed in unison and broke out into laughter.

"Do you guys think he liked me back?"

"'Liked?' As in past tense? He wouldn't shut up about you and still doesn't!" George blurted out, still rolling on the floor with laughter.

Your face reddened as you roll your eyes, laughing along with the two boys.


The next day was a Saturday. You have plans to go to Hogsmeade with Luna, Hermione, and Ginny today.

You sit in the great hall, eating lunch with a Harry.

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