12. Detention

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smut warning also sort of (VERY) inspired by shifting experiences OOP-✨👩🏻‍🦽🧎🏻‍♀️

You nodded nervously as you turned red. You could tell he was 'in the mood' because of the way he was staring at you and you could see an outline of a penis form against his uniform pants. 

Class eventually dismissed and he quickly packed his bags, taking you by the hand and the two of you rushed into your dormitory.

When you get to your dorm, you immediately takes off your robes and he pushes you against the wall, starting to kiss your neck. He puts his leg in between yours and you feel his hard-on right up against your panties. You let out a slight moan and start to take off his shirt. He unbuttons yours and slips off your white bra, along with the rest of your uniform. You unbutton his pants, him still kissing your neck, starting to leave even more hickeys. He lets out a slight moan at you pulling down his boxers, revealing his hard penis. You verified that last night you weren't going crazy or seeing things, as it was as big as it was yesterday. He is now completely naked, with you only in your white lace panties. He starts to trail down to your chest, your stomach, eventually stopping at your lower stomach.

He picks you up and carries you to your bed,
throwing you onto the bed, making you whimper.

"good girl y/n.", he confidently moans as he gets on the bed, taking off your panties to reveal your dripping wet pussy. He spreads your legs apart and lifts them onto his shoulders. You tilts your head back as you feel his tongue against your clit. You let out a very loud moan before Ron brings his head back up, realizing he forgets to cast a silence charm on the room.

After he casts a silencing charm and a charm to lock the room, he goes back down, only to start putting his middle and ring finger inside of you. He starts making a 'c'mon' gesture and then eventually just starts rubbing vigorously.

You tilt your head back, one hand running through his hair, occasionally pulling on it. Eventually, you start wanting more, so you moan, "Ron...I-I want you inside of me. Not just your fingers...your p-penis." Your voice so shaky, that's the only thing you could manage to get out.

He pulls his fingers out of you. "Anything for you, darling." He whispers before he sucks on the two fingers that were previously inside of you.

He flips you over onto your stomach, picking up your hips, and placing his hands onto them. He guides his penis all the way inside of you, before going in and out, starting out slow and then going quickly.

You cling onto the bedsheets as you hear him moan your name over and over. Your skin clapping against his is heard all throughout the room. You bury your head into your pillow, trying to quiet your own moans.

"Ronald" you moan, "I'm going to cum. I want you to, too."

Ron slows down. "Beg for me."

"Ronald, go faster. Faster, Ronald."

"What's the magic word?"

"Please, sir"

"There you go. Good girl." His movements quickly become faster.

your legs become shaky as you start to lose your breath. Your toes curl as your body starts to twitch.

His eyes roll back as you cum on him, and he is about to finish as well. His back arched as he let out a very loud moan, filling you up with his cum. His fingers dig into the sides of your hips, leaving pink marks.

He pulls out and lays down next to you.

"Y/N, that was amazing." He sighs, trying to regain his breath back.

When the Stars Align- (Ron Weasley x reader)Where stories live. Discover now