6. Isn't It Unrequited?

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Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate! this chapter is a little bit longer, and i would just like to say i am thankful for all those who've read my story so far! Stay safe! <3 much love

You wake up Ginny to go get breakfast, noticing that Hermione is already gone.

She must've not gotten a lot of sleep last night. Since it's unlikely for her to stay up so late, you just assume that she came in after you fell asleep.

Ginny rolls out of bed and throws on a long sleeve purple top and a pair of jeans. Today is a day off, because of some meeting that all the professors have to attend, or at least that's what they told you.

You feel awful about catching feelings for your friend's brother. You shake your head, trying to get rid of the thought. It's the twins fault they put love potion in your drink! Not yours! You can't believe they drugged you!

You two eventually got to the great hall to get some breakfast. You see Neville, the twins, and Harry all talking at a table only a few feet ahead of you. Still upset about last night, you decide you have to confront the twins. Everyone goes silent and gives each other suspicious looks when they see you approaching.

Ginny sits next to Harry so you are left with the only open seat, next to the twins. Perfect. You roll your eyes as you plop yourself onto the bench.

"Fred, George, how dare you put love potion into my drink!", you yelled, staring so far into their eyes, it's like you could almost see their souls.

"What are you even talking about?", George asked.

"You sound mental right now.", Fred chimed in.

"Don't play stupid with me. I know you put a love potion into my drink last night! Don't even try to deny it!", you argued, you could've gone on for a while more, but you were interrupted by Hermione.

"Y/N! Hermione told you not to drink anything! You're lucky it was only a love potion, it could've been much, much worse!", Neville reminded, standing up from the bench beneath him.

soon, it was the 4 of you bickering between yourselves.

"Y/N, we did not put love potion into your drink!", George protested, putting his foot down.

"We didn't even bring any with us this year! It's all back at the shop!", Fred exclaimed.

"Don't even try to deny it!", you yelled back, pointing your finger in Fred's face.

"Are you mental? We did not pu-"

He was cut off by Harry.

"I drank the same drink as Y/N and I'm not in love with someone!", a confused look grew upon his face. "Wait. If the twins didn't put love potion into Y/N's drink, then why does she think they did?"

Your face reddened as you stare down at your feet, avoiding eye contact.

Then it hit Ginny and the twins.

"Holy Merlin, you fancy our brother!", Fred laughed, his eyes lit up.

A huge smile spread across George's face, while Ginny broke out into laughter.

"No wonder you two hit it off last night!", Harry chuckled as he took a sip of his drink.

You force a laugh to hide your embarrassment.

trying to change the subject, you ask where Hermione is.

"Don't know. She never came into the dorm last night.", Ginny put an arm around Harry.

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