5. Welcome Love With Open Arms

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You and Hermione walk downstairs to welcome the guests as Hermione warns you, "Y/N, do not drink anything that Fred and George give to you tonight. It could have something in it that could get you into trouble, or expelled".

"I mean, how bad could it possibly be?", you think to yourself, just shrugging it off.

Walking further into the common room, you see the twins setting up the party. On top of the fire place lays a big banner saying 'Welcome to Gryffindor, y/n!', with lots of red and gold balloons scattered across the room.

"You like the setup?" Asked George, walking over to you, a drink already in hand.

"You did this? For me?" You ask them, surprised that for once, people actually wanted to do something for you.

"Why not? I mean it really isn't that much compared to last years parties", George complained, "the sign is very minimal, gets the point across, I guess.", he added.

You open the door to see a peculiar blonde girl standing in the doorway.

"Oh hello! You must be y/n y/l/n, it is a pleasure to meet you.", she said, holding out her hand to shake yours.

"Hello! Come in! What's your name?", you ask her as you take her hand to shake it.

"I'm Luna. Luna Lovegood. I'm a Ravenclaw.", she answered, pointing at the knitted raven on her baby blue sweater.

Hermione turned to the door and ran to give Luna a big huge, "Luna! It's been so long. How are you doing?"

"Eh, just the usual. Hey have you seen Neville? He's my parter in herbology and I have a quick question to ask him.", Luna asked.

"Yea. He's right in the other room. Go ahead and come in!", Hermione replied, pointing to the room where Neville was.

Luna walked into the room and followed Hermione's finger into the other room.

You noticed Hermione's smile faded. You did not want to get her upset before the party started, so you didn't point it out.

The first hour of the party flew by, you, Hermione, Ginny, and the twins were all dancing to your favorite songs and talking about the hot gossip in Hogwarts.

All of a sudden, you feel the same presence from earlier greet you again.

"Harry! So glad you could come and join us!", Hermione cheered, launching herself into a big embrace.

"I love the party! It's brilliant!", Harry answered, "Hermione, Ron is looking for us, we better get going.", he added, letting go of Hermione's embrace.

"Okay, hey y/n, why don't you come with us, I'll introduce you to Ron, one of my closest friends!", Hermione grinned, pulling your arm as she follows Harry.

You think to yourself, "who is Ron? Why does Hermione have so many close friends? Why does Ron sound so familiar? Have I heard of him in a past life?", so many questions to be had.

"Just one sec", you say, turning to Ginny and the twins, "I guess I gotta bounce, I'll catch up with you guys tomorrow at breakfast.", you add, waving to your new friends.

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