20. Family

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You woke up the next morning, not feeling like getting up and getting ready. You wanted to show up super late breakfast to avoid seeing Ron after what had happened last night.


Ron's POV

I went down to get my breakfast super early, to avoid seeing y/n after what had happened last night.

I luckily only saw Harry and Hermione at the breakfast table. I sat down quietly and waited for one of them to speak first.

"Morning Ron." Hermione told me, in her serious tone, as always.


"What crawled up your arse and died?" Harry groaned

"You saw, didn't you? Y/N kissed bloody Malfoy!" I screamed

"Fucking brilliant." Harry mumbled under his breath, dreading more drama.

"Harry!" Hermione slapped Harry on the arm with a book.

"She was getting on my nerves anyway. Serves her right." Harry rambled on.

"Harry-" I interrupted, annoyed with what I had just heard come out of his mouth.

"Well are you going to leave her?" Harry asked, and Hermione turned and started death staring me.

"Well no,...I love her but....I'm upset...I guess I just need some time apart."  I gave them my answer about Y/N. It was true, I do love her, she's the one person I love most, but I do feel betrayed, just an apology would be nice.

"Maybe you should try to talk it out with her, you know, explain why you got so upset. Maybe it was just in the heat of the moment? Now that things have settled down a bit?" Hermione suggested.

"Really? You think that'll work?"

"Really. Trust me Ronald, I share a dormitory with her, I know these things." She tried to prove to me.

"Thanks 'Mione. I'll try to talk with her in a bit." I thanked Hermione as I finished up my breakfast. As Harry and Hermione finishes theirs as well, I could not help but notice that Harry rolled his eyes.

"What is your problem, Harry? Weren't you the one to dare y/n to kiss Malfoy in the first place?!"

"My problem is that y/n does nothing but steal you away! I never see you anymore, not even in the dormitories! I was doing you a favor, you should be thanking me."

"Oh, for merlins sake Harry, she's my girlfriend! y/n is a wonderful girl, she has done nothing wrong!"

"So you consider doing 'nothing wrong' kissing your enemy? Bull shit, Ron."

"Fuckin hell Harry, get your nose out of our bloody business. If you don't like it, well then that's too bad. I don't care what you think. Just leave y/n out of your emotional problems. You're bloody mental." I yelled back at Harry, I tried to show him that I don't care about his opinion, but I do.

But not when it involves y/n.

Hermione stepped in once again, "Harry, Ron has got a point. It is his relationship, after all. And frankly, y/n is a good friend of mine, i don't see a problem with her, well- except for her procrastination to study."

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