13. Your Star

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AUTHORS NOTE: thank you guys so much for all the comments! they are seriously so funny and sweet i just love seeing them :) 



It was an hour before the party. You and Hermione finished getting ready when you hear Ron knocking at your door.

"uhm, Y/N? Are you in there? Can we talk?"

Those three words that everyone dreads. Oh no. Your heart sank.

You gave Hermione a worried look as you walked towards the door. You opened it to see him standing there in awe. It was obvious he would, since you were wearing a bright red latex dress that you looked hot asf in, as always. Although Hermione was wearing a matching black one, that took much convincing for her to even get it on her body, Ron didn't put his eyes on her for even a split second.

 Although Hermione was wearing a matching black one, that took much convincing for her to even get it on her body, Ron didn't put his eyes on her for even a split second

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"B-Bloody hell

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"B-Bloody hell."

You smiled as he walked in, his jaw almost hitting the floor.

"I'll leave you two to it." Hermione waved and left the room, closing the door behind her.

A moment passed before Ron started walking slowly towards you. You get nervous and hold on to the necklace your father got you, holding it close to your chest. You usually fidget with it when you're nervous.

"So, Y/N, I was doing some thinking and" he noticed your hand on your necklace, adding his hand on top of yours, "-and i just wanted to know i-if you would want to- you know- like, b-be my g-girlfriend. Or whatever."

"Oh Ron, yes yes yes! A thousand times yes! I'd love to!" You notice his eyes lit up. You jump into his arms and he spins you around the room. That quidditch training he's been doing has really paid off.

You looked up at him, realizing he was your star, and then everything made sense. The many merlins brought you to this moment.

"You have no idea how long I've been wanting to ask that." He giggles, "so, it's official!" It made you so happy to see him so giddy. He was like a little kid in a candy store.

When the Stars Align- (Ron Weasley x reader)Where stories live. Discover now