18. Matchmaker

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Sorry that last one ended in the middle of the party but this is a continuation of it so..

Also smut warning

It was a little later into the night, everyone was partying hard except Harry and Ginny. Ron caught on, and he became annoyed. You knew you had to do something about it, you couldn't just let them ruin his party.

A little later, you left Ron to get some drinks. Harry was sulking on the couch when you walked over.

"Harry! What's wrong?"


"What's wrong with Ginny?"

"She's being a sore loser."

You look over to see Ginny dancing with Luna, Mel, and Hermione.

"Oh, she is? Because how I see it, you're the one sulking on the couch." You called him out.

"If you came over here to criticize me, you can leave." He crossed his arms and sank back into the sofa.

"No, Harry. I didnt come here to criticize you. Infact, I came here to help you."

"Help me? Why would you help me?"

"Because... we're friends...."

"Yeah, but-"

"Harry, Harry, shut up before I change my mind. All you need to do is apologize to ginny and admit that she won the quidditch game."

"Admit that she won? No offense y/n, but it's quite obvious that I won. I, me, am the winner."

"Okay, then just apologize and compliment her appearance. I don't know. You're being stubborn."

"Look, I appreciate your help, but this is my relationship."

"Okay, okay, I'm only trying to help. Jeez." You rolled your eyes and walked away. You got the drinks and headed back to Ron.

"Hey. Did you get the, uhhh" he leaned closer and whispered "fire whiskey?" He looked around.

"Ron, Everyone here knows it's here, it's cool."

Ron sighed in relief and took the drink from you.

"I think we need to play a game of matchmaker for Harry and" he visibly cringed "... my sister."

"I just tried to get Harry to do something, he turned me away."

"Well Harry, yeah. But have you spoken to Ginny?"

"Well, no, but-"

"Well then, what are you waiting for? Go!"

He pushed you away and into Ginnys direction. She took a gulp of her fire whiskey and wiped her chin with her sleeve.

"Y/N! What's up?"

"Ginny! How about you go over there and try and talk to Harry!"

"Harry!? Are you mad? He's an absolute bonker!" She laughed, touching your arm.

"Well...." you awkwardly replied, not knowing what to say next.

All of a sudden, you see Harry approaching you. You look at Ron, who's standing behind Harry, to see him wink at you. You roll your eyes and smirk at him.

"Hi y/n........Ginny..." Harry mumbled, staring straight down at the floor.

"I'll give you two some space!" You rushed back over to Ron before anyone could stop you.

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