22. Chudley Cannons/Going Home

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It was the day of the long awaited Chudley Cannons game. Ron barely slept last night from all the excitement. You on the other hand, slept like a rock.

You slept together in your dormitory , so you awoke to Ron next to you, looking through a quidditch catalog.

"Morning'" you greeted him.

"Good morning, my darling." he bent down and kissed you on the forehead.

You rubbed your eyes and propped yourself up on your elbows, "Are you ready for the big game today?"

"Who do you think I am? Of course I am ready!"

"Are you sure Ron? Because it looks like you haven't gotten up yet."

He let out a small giggle, "Alright. You caught me. I didn't want to leave you here, my Chudley Cannons jerseys are in the other room."


"Yeah, you heard me. One for me, one for you."

"Are you kidding me Ronald? I already bought you the tickets, and now I have to wear a jersey?!" You sarcastically rolled your eyes and laughed. you secretly loved wearing his clothes, no matter what they were, but of course you weren't going to tell him that.

"Oh c'mon. We don't want to be late now, do we?"

"Maybe we do.", you smiled.

Ron rolled his eyes while smiling and pulled you out of bed. "C'mon. Up."

You had always jokingly teased him about how much he loved the Chudley Cannons. It was all in good fun, as he jokingly teased you about your interests too. You both knew you meant each other no harm.

He ran into the other room to get his jerseys. Meanwhile, you started to get ready. He came back when you were putting on makeup.

He handed you a jersey. You weren't going to lie, it was bright orange and so you stuck out like a sore thumb. But you wore it anyway to make Ron happy. After all, this was a day he's been waiting for a while now.

You finished getting ready, the two of you talking.

"Are you still coming to my home this summer? If not I'll be alone without you, Y/N."

"Oh please Ron. You have like six other siblings to keep you company. I don't think one extra person would make a difference."

"Darling, you make all the difference." He kissed your hand, making you blush like crazy.

You took a good look at Ron, realizing his matching orange jersey he was wearing complimented his hair and freckles perfectly.

It was almost a dress on you, so you just decided to wear black athletic shorts underneath. Ron wore the jersey with a pair of blue jeans.

You had to admit, he did look pretty good.


The game was about to start. You found your seats, they were pretty good, not too high up.

Before hand, Ron made a point to get some candy from Honey dukes. The candy they sold at quidditch stadiums were always pretty overpriced. You hid the candy inside your bra for him.

"Can I have the candy now?" He bugged. The game had just started and he was already hungry. You couldn't help but laugh at how much of a pain he could be.

"Sure thing." You pulled a chocolate frog out from under your shirt.

Ron opened it and giggled. "It's a bit melted."

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