Iffy Druthers

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Yibo's POV

"Bobo~ bobo~ " the sweet call of alluring voice snapped me out of my stupor. I am fine? And not in pain? Woah that's something great.

I tried opening my heavy lidded eyes. It was as if someone had forcefully stuck them together for making me unable to open them. Gradually like after it felt eternity, I could finally manage to open them sluggishly.

"Yibo~ you are finally here. How long were you planning to sleep?" again the alluring voice greeted me, and my sight subconsciously landed on the body contact that I was sharing with other. The warmth of other's hands enveloping my hand was enough to sedate my heart.

"I missed you." The voice again trilled and I could feel caressing of his feather light touches on back of my hand.

I lifted my sight, just to see the love of my life sitting in front of me. "Wake up wake up." He warbled again like a morning bird. "What were you dreaming?" he asked, and I looked at the surrounding. Indeed, it wasn't a dream. I am at hospital.

"Let me call the doctor." He said as he left his place, placing my hand back on the cold mattress of bed. Wait, something is wrong.

What is it?

Whilst I was busy pondering over the fallacious thoughts, he stepped in followed by Uncle Huang. "You brat! How dare you to torment us to death? Once wasn't enough that you went there again?" he asked as he raised his stethoscope to place it on my chest, "Don't hold in too longer." He warned, and it was then did I realise I was holding my breath since long.

After satisfying his desperate heart with the news of my wellbeing, Uncle Huang stood straight on his feet. "I might kill you if you do that stunt again. How can you not think about your family? Or was it too much for you to think about your mom? Do not forget, you lost your dad because of this same reason. Stop jumping into fights randomly like you have seven lives." He gritted his teeth as he started nagging at me.

A soft chuckle was heard from side, stirring our serious conversational gazes. "Dr Huang, he just woke up. Won't you give him some time to breathe at least?" he said while taking his seat on the edge of hospital bed, gaze piercing straight through my orbs.

What is he searching for in them? I found questioning myself.

"Are you doing well? Is there any pain?" he enquires kindly, devoid of any expression in his dark orbs.

Fuck! I get it now. The eyes! I cannot read his eyes like I used to. What has happened in meanwhile?

"Yibo~" his voice sounded again, and this time netting all of my attention onto the alluring voice.

He was mute!

How can he talk fluently like he was never a mute person?

"A-Zhan, let him rest." Uncle Huang interrupted him, and I was hit by another thunder strike. Did Uncle Huang just call him A-Zhan? Such an endearment? What the fuck happened behind my back? How can he talk? How can they be so close? Why cannot I read his eyes? Why do I not feel any connection with this people in front of me?

"When can I bring him home Uncle?" he enquired, and Uncle just glanced at me before going through the reports again. "He is fit to leave after two days." He replies.

"What about his injuries then?" he asked, and Uncle shook his head. "All fine." Uncle smiled in go ahead signal, and he turned around to cup my cheeks, "BoBo, ain't you gonna talk? I missed your voice." He said whilst cradling them with his soft hands.

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