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Zhan's POV

"Ahhh" I nudged him to wake him up. Yet he didn't respond.

"Ahhh uhhhh aahh" I started pattering on his cheeks which was as pale as white and as cold as ice.

After trying every attempt to wake him up, I glanced at the surrounding if I can opt for any help. However, the place was as quiet as ever. The residents were few metres away. But will they ever understand my language and help us?

Instead they might report it to the police. It will delay the treatment.

No! I cannot wait till his friend comes to rescue. What if he hasn't read the message yet? Hoping that I could lift him up, I placed his body down. Getting into the crouching position I hung his uninjured hand on my shoulder while bringing his upper body into sitting position.

Slowly supporting his body in my hands I straighten my body, bringing him on his legs. Smoothly I stepped in front of him and firmly held his both hands on my neck before bending down a bit. As expected his upper body fell on my back and I bend by 90 degree so that his feet was off ground. Once confirmed that he won't fall off after letting his hands go, I quickly held his thighs and bring them near my waist.

He is heavy.

I cannot stand straight and walk with his unconscious body. If I stand straight his upper body will fall back as he has no conscious to latch his hands onto my neck.

Please god let his friend come early.

Still with heavy step I finally made it to main road. I should try asking for a lift. But looking at him like this I doubt if anyone will come forward to give a helping hand. I should place him somewhere. But where should I place him. I cannot leave him like this in his vulnerable state. What if I went out in search of help and something happened to him behind my back?

Whilst I was busy contemplating on what to do, I felt his body slithering away. I clutched onto his thigh tighter and bended even more for him to fall on my back again. However, his body was vehemently yanked back from me.

I turned around to look back. "You can go home. I will take care of him" the guy in the black robes said before carrying him in his arms.

"Ahhhhhh" I yelled in agony and he turned around to look at me. I glanced down to look at him lying unconscious in other's arm. The guy had strong arm strength to carry him in bridal style.

"I am Arthur. Rest assured his man will take control over the situation around." He said before turning around to command, "Search around and take everything that is suspicious. I am sure he created a lot of mess. Clear it. Nothing should be traced." He said before stepping in another direction.

People who were following him in black suit soon scatter to scout the area and I followed him quietly. I cannot let go of him in this situation. When he arrived at his car, he halted thinking how to open the door as he was holding Wang Yibo in both his hands.

Quickly stepping in front I held the door open for him. He smiled like nothing happened and said "Thank you. You can go home. If you want I can call a cab for you."

A sudden pang of pain sounded in my heart. There is no way I am going to leave. I shook my head and got into the back seat of his car. His too shook his head but it was in disappointment. He placed Wang Yibo on back seat and I adjusted his position, securely placing his head on my lap so that he could lie comfortably.

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