I always Loved You

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This particular chapter is quite lengthy compared to the rest of mmc chapters. But that won't be the only chapter to have word count 7.5k+ as chapter 50 of mmc has already crossed 9k and I am yet to work on the emotions so it might even cross 10k. Same as this chapter, I am not planning to split that chapter as well. If you find it boring and lengthy, please don't blame me.

 If you find it boring and lengthy, please don't blame me

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The following evening Xiao Zhan couldn't wait in Jiangs Mansion anymore. He texted Xiao Qing that they don't have to come to China as he will be returning in two days. But he did not know that Xiao Qing and Eriya were already packing up to board the flight in the afternoon.

With a distracted mind, Xiao Zhan found himself wandering on the streets. With his empty heart and mind full of Wang Yibo, he didn't know how long he had been walking. Before meeting him today, he was sure that he loathed him. But now that he looks back on those seven years, his loathing seemed to be bogus as his heart still couldn't let go of this person named Wang Yibo.

He fished out the pack of cigarettes. Earlier he couldn't smoke his favorite cigarette since Jiang Cheng chose to poke his nose in Xiao Zhan's personal matters. He really loves smoking this brand. The nicotine in this one is too high and it actually burns faster. Sometimes he really wished he could get a long cigarette that would last more than 5 minutes.

Sucking in the smoke, he guides his steps ahead on the footpath. The shop vendors were planning to shut their stores at this hour of night. He turned around to look for something where he could sit for a while before marching back to Jiangs Mansion.

Having found nothing to sit on, he just sat there on the sidewalk. This sidewalk strangely felt familiar to him. Looking around the ambience he started stressing his mind to dig around for any memories he has related to this place.

'No, my child. You can only give your heart away once, after that your first love is the person you will always compare with everyone. And here, your heart will always go after your first love. Apart from them, no one else can really take place inside your heart. Your first love will reside there, for the time eternity.' The words appeared in his memory. The witch, Ming-Er. The old lady who had said she was waiting for him for centuries. Her words still held true even after eight years. Seven years that he spent with his family, he always felt like he was missing out on something. He felt as if nothing in this world could satisfy him or made him laugh with an open heart. Although he had everything, his family, his daughter's love, he was still looking for a thing that might placate his implicit and unidentified desires.

Like an old aged man who found his decades old memoire from a filing cabinet in an abandoned storeroom, the memory shared with that lady reappeared in front of Xiao Zhan's mind. That once-upon-a-time kind of love came back. The feelings he had for Wang Yibo rushed back to his present life. The things he admired once, the things he prayed for, everything began to become bogus at this point.

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