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Lalalalalla... Happy Zhan Ai Bo day peps!! I am mentally happy at the thought that WuJi was recorded on Zhan Ai Bo day. I guess Universe cannot be more obvious than this Ashsksndksksk.. Let me mark this day on my fics too.

Yibo's POV

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Yibo's POV

After having lunch, more specifically tasteless hospital veggies, I feel like running home and eating some delicacies made by nanny MeiLu. Laying here in hospital bed is more boring than the thought itself. Arthur who was supposed to be here by afternoon, still stuck in University though it's already the closing hours.

I wonder if Xiao Zhan is taking rest at home. I called him many a times to check if he has eaten anything during lunch time. He looked so pale in the morning. He probably must be sleeping right now, otherwise there is no way he would ignore my calls and my texts.

Did he come to check on me?

Will he be angry for not allowing him inside?

It's for his own good. I don't want him to stay here and strain his health. He too needs healing.

Bored of lying on the bed, I tried sitting up before ringing the bell. Soon a kind nurse stepped in. "Sir, you need anything?" she enquired, and I pointed at the wheelchair placed in a corner.

With a nod, she ambled towards it before bringing it near the bed. It was always Arthur who used to do this. He knows I am someone who ain't meant for sitting at one place. But as per Uncle Huang, I shouldn't stress on my chest, also my leg.

She helped me getting onto the seat, and I politely asked her to let go as I can handle the rest. Pressing onto the controller button, I guided it towards the closed window. It's been snowing since afternoon.

Extending my hand, I slide the glass in order to open it. To say I love the snowfall would be an understatement. No sooner did I slide the door off, the shimmers of flakes started blowing in. I tired catching some on my palm, but the moment they land, an icy drop of shining pearl formed on my palm due to the heater inside the room. So was the destiny of the other snowflakes as well. The moment they entered inside, they soon landed on the floor in liquefied state.

I love making snowman with dad. Only if he was here...

Getting onto my feet with the help of windowsill, I tried catching them before they could fly inside. After catching handful of it, I was about to retract when my sight landed on the person sitting outside the hospital entrance.

Are they crazy? Was my first thought!

I mean who in their sane mind sits outside on a lonely bench when it's snowing heavily? That too without proper winter cloths! If they really want to die then they should go to some other place and not outside the hospital.

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