A New Life

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The white curtains of the luminous room were fluttering as the gust of wind swayed past it through the open window. In that deluxe room, on the king size bed, there lies a sleeping figure with attached medical support to support his breath.

After an hour or so, an elegant lady with a toddler in her arms ambles towards the sleeping figure, making the clicking sound of her heels as a sign of her arrival. However, to the sleeping figure, nothing changes.

Placing the toddler on the bed beside the lying figure she hands over some plastic toys for the child to play with. "Sit here my baby, mamma will take care of your daddy. Be a good child, haoma?" She coaxes her child before peppering her with kisses as if the toddler understands her words.

For safeguarding her child's safety she placed some pillows beside her before ambling towards the attached bathroom. Once back, she placed the basin of warm water on the bed side table before turning around to glance at her child. Once she was assured that her child was playing without any worldly care, she shifted her sight towards the lying figure.

With a sigh, she caressed his face before starting to unbutton his shirt. After cleaning him with warm water and a rag, she redressed him.

"Wake up ZhanZhan, our baby is waiting for you." She whispered in his ear before erecting her spine and taking the used water into the bathroom. After returning, she glanced at her child before lifting the used clothes for washing.

Securing that her child won't fall off from the bed, she gave some more toys before walking out. Behind her, the child abandoned her toys and crawled towards the sleeping figure.

"Da.. Da.. Da..Da" She called out for the person while nuzzling into his arm. Luckily it wasn't the hand where the IV drips and other monitoring instruments were attached. Like every other day, once she did not get any response from the person who she knew was her father, she crawled back to continue playing with her toys. For a child who was brought up by her mother, was eager to get her father's love too. But ever since she came into this world, opened her eyes, she never felt that warm embrace of her father.

However, today was something different. The figure who was lying there lifelessly for nearly two years, finally his lashes started fluttering. His fingers started moving. But that fellow did not open his eyes. It was as if he was struggling to open his lids which were closed for almost two years.

A while later, he could finally open his eyes, and the moment he opened, he had to shut them immediately to shade them from the sudden exposure to light. He did not know for how long he was sleeping. After trying several times, his eyes got adjusted to the light, and he started looking around.

He was in his room.

And as if something of veracity struck him harder, he glanced at his lower body before looking around the room.

His sight landed on the toddler sitting on his bed with crossed legs, chewing on some soft elastic toy. He sighed looking at the toddler. Was it the sigh of content or of something else, he wasn't sure. The more he started looking, the more his eyes betrayed him. He did not want to cry, not at least perceiving the look of his child for the first time. But.. sadly..

The mere face of the child reminded him of that person, that incident, that night, their love making, Wang Yibo.. Yibo.. the person he loved with all his heart, the person for whom he was a mere one night stand like every other person in his life, the playboy who never once loved him. It hurts, recalling the old memories hurts.

However, as he stared at the toddler with fondness, his lips curved into a melancholic smile as the past event of that night again resurfaced freshly in his mind like it just happened last night.

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