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Arthur's POV

As I helped him to lie comfortably on bed, I moved out to call his therapist. It was always hard to fathom his return from that state. And it's risky to leave him alone for I know the suicide attempt is gonna follow this attack. It's always been like this...

As I called Dr Hai Kuan, the kind doctor received my call towards the end of second last ring, "Arthur, may I call you after my session if nothing's important?" he asked, and I hummed in acceptance before replying,

"Yibo's experiencing another attack like past. It's more severe this time since his physical condition is not in a state to withstand the aftermath of this. I request your presence soon if you could make it." I replied with kind words for I know, the doctor and Yibo shared a special bond after their sessions, and the humble doctor will soon rush here if he hears anything about his dear didi.

"I will be there after this session. Please ask Madame Wang to be there." he instructed and suddenly I was deprived of any words. The call hung with tut tut tut.. and I found myself still holding the phone near my ear.

In the past, it was always Aunt Wang to pepper her son with kisses and warm hugs to let him know that he is still valued, that no one abandoned him, and that there are still people who love him unconditionally. But, given her state at present, it's me who will be taking her place to coax him like how I did before.

As I gain my senses back, I saw Xiao Zhan still looking inside through the window. I doubt if he saw anything from this angle. I don't want him to see my Yibo in such a vulnerable state, and if JC comes to know about this weak point...

"Why are you still here? Did he not ask you to leave us?" I asked him as I opened the door.

With such a direct question, his feet stumbled back a step. And I could see series of undecipherable emotions brimming inside his eye. What does he want to say?

Soon, he lifted his hands to convey something with his sign language. And a major part of me felt guilty for not able to decipher his signs.

"Please leave before he wakes up. I will let him meet you once he recovers. For now, for his sake, maintain such distance so that the incident like today shouldn't occur again." I assured him verbally and he curled three of his fingers leaving thumb and pinky open before raising it near his ear as a gesture for phone.

"You forgot yours?" I inquired to just be sure if that's what he was asking, and tentatively he nodded at me.

Ahh this fellow!

As I handed him my phone, he stared at the home screen of device before looking at me with,,, obscure emotions and all I could do was to see how those subtle feelings fading as his lids battled.

However, with a bow, he handed back my phone. Not calling anyone.

What's wrong with him?

As he made sure that the phone is placed perfectly on my palm, he turned around to leave without any sign.

After looking at his fading figure towards the end of hallways, I glanced down at my phone screen which was still glowing brightly, showing mine and his picture as my wallpaper. So childish he was two years back. But I loved him for that exact behaviour. So juvenile, so pure.

Shrugging off the sour feelings which were brought up by Xiao Zhan's intense gaze, I closed the door behind him before going inside to look at Yibo again. If Yibo still not gonna listen to me, I will have to take lessons on sign language.

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