Because I love you

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Xiao Zhan stared at the person scooping the soup into a bowl gracefully. The more he looked, the more he wanted to recall the things that happened last night. On the back, there were whips marks, in the front, there were purple bruises. Xiao Zhan wanted to ask if he was the person who left them on his body.

Taking a step forward, he took the bowl from Wang Yibo's hand. Placing it on the glass surface of the dining table, he signed. "Change first."

"Ai, that doesn't matter. I'm immune to these things. I will eat first. If you want, you are free to take some bites. All yours." Wang Yibo spoke casually as if nothing happened between them. The tone was nonchalant as if they never met before—as if they never shared a past before. The more Xiao Zhan listened, the more he wanted to run away from this person.

But he also knew that he cannot run this time. This time, he should end everything before moving back. Small talk won't hurt anyone, right?

Oh, he himself was an exception. No matter if the talk is small or big, as long as it concerns Wang Yibo in any way, it affects Xiao Zhan in all possible ways.

"Okay, you eat something. I will change. If the driver comes before me, feel free to leave." He spoke before leaving his seat. Xiao Zhan stood there, staring at the back of fading figure. Over the period of seven years, other than those whips scars, nothing changed. He is still as handsome as that first evening. Xiao Zhan's gaze refused to leave Wang Yibo's back as if it was afraid that it won't be able to see him again. The more he looked, the more tears started brimming in those dark orbs. He felt like he was dreaming again.

"Mister, the driver found your pants in the car. Would you like to wear them again or master's clothes will do? If you want, I can buy you a new pair from the nearby shop." The butler who was out, finally stepped inside with Xiao Zhan's pants.

Xiao Zhan shook his hands, gesturing that he doesn't want it anymore. earlier, he didn't want to wear Wang Yibo's clothes. But now, the smell he missed for the past seven years was too intoxicating to let go of. He doesn't want to take these clothes off. As long as it belongs to Wang Yibo, he wants it all.

"Okay, the driver is ready outside. This way." The butler showed the exit politely, expecting Xiao Zhan to follow him out. However, Xiao Zhan not only ignored him, he even sat on the chair and started eating the soup that Wang Yibo had scooped for himself.

Looking at this, the butler didn't know how to react. He stood there to wait for Wang Yibo. Xiao Zhan took Wang Yibo's phone which was placed on the table. He tapped on the dead screen to wake it. The wallpaper held his heart again.

Wang Yibo and the child.

The child calls him Papa Yibo.

He suddenly felt the urge to let Wang Yibo know he has a daughter. Their daughter. The more he looked at Wang Yibo's smile on the wallpaper, the more he felt alive. His finger unconsciously moved on Wang Yibo's smiling face, 'My first love, and my last too.'

He held his heart as he realized how fragile it becomes when it senses Wang Yibo. No matter how hard he tries, the roots of this love seemed too deep to reach. If you cannot reach, you cannot breach it either. He didn't know how it started, but he knew one thing for sure, it wasn't started in this life. That he has been in love with Wang Yibo forever.

The clock started ticking, but Wang Yibo didn't come. Xiao Zhan waited alone on the dining table. 5 minutes turned into 15, 15 turned into 25, 25 turned into 45 and an hour passed by.

The food on the table had long since turned into cold dishes. But Xiao Zhan didn't bother to take a bite without Wang Yibo. Xiao Zhan's gaze was plastered on the staircase. But the love he was waiting for, refused to descend the stairs.

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