From Contented To Dread Heart

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Zhan's POV

As the cold breeze started hitting my face, I leaned my head on the seat. With my closed eyes, I can still sense his occasional gazes on me. What is it that he wants to speak but holding back right now? Is it regarding last night? Or about this morning call? I maintained my unobtrusiveness over this, and waited for him to initiate the conversation.

Sure enough, after few more glances, he started. "Zhan, you still angry on me?" he enquire with low voice. I shook my head in response. Why would I be? There is no reason for me to do so. It's his life, he knew better than anyone how to live it.

"You don't even want to look at me now? I am really sorry for this. Never did I antedate that someone will leak our video. I will be more careful henceforth. Please trust me for once."

Is he here to apologise for that incident? Hah! What were you expecting Xiao Zhan, to come any confess and beg for your pardon for sleeping around with—

"Zhan, you haven't said anything right from the moment you entered inside." He again begins. Indeed, what was he expecting me to do after his unexpected visit? I just walked and took the passenger seat quietly. Neither did he say anything aside from smiling at me and bringing the dead engine to life.

With eyes still closed, I raised my hand to ask him, "What were you talking with Jiang Cheng?"


"This morning. Over voice call." I elucidate.

"He was warning me to clear up the mess." He said with a carefree voice. I know that must be something normal for them, and that's the reason he ain't getting what was I trying to draw.

"But the issue has been settled now. No more gossips, no more videos. You can resume your University day after tomorrow. Let the spark settle down first." He said before pulling over at somewhere.

"Won't you open your eyes? It's fine if you don't want to look at me. But I am sure you will regret if you miss this sight." He said while unbuckling my seat belt.

His face! I can feel the warmth of his body around me. Fuck! Don't let his distract you Zhan! I warned myself before channelizing my emotions which were in the direction of going astray, and held my breath in until he backs out. Once the coldness of location engulfs me, I gradually opened my eyes.

Ahead of me was a plain sky. Was he kidding me when he said those heavy words? I turned my gaze to enquire about this mockery.

Resting his elbow on the steering wheel he supported his head on the palm, quietly waiting for my response. When I didn't react aside from the glare, he smiled before motioning with his chin to convey the message of 'look outside the window'.

I gasp at the ambience erupted from the dusk. I don't know on which mountain top we were, but below stood the bustling city, and about was the tranquil sky tinted with hues of orange.

"Let's go out." He said before unlocking the door.

I followed him quietly. Closing the door behind me, I leaned on the side of his car, resting my hand on the rear view mirror placed beside the door.

Mesmerised in seizing the beauty, I didn't note when he approached me. It was when he placed his hand around my waist, did I realise he is here; standing right beside me. With me.

"Let's take a seat" he said casually and before I could apprehend the situation, he stepped in front of me. Clutching my waist with his both hands, he effortlessly hoisted me up to place me on bonnet of his car. Soon he too joined me on it, and together we witnessed the end of day.

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