Unexpected Visit

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Yibo's POV

"I was planning to ask him out on a date after resolving this mess. But since you said not to advance, I will take it slow. Is it okay if I show my affection?" I asked.

"What if that cringes him if he were to be a straight person?" he reasoned. A valid reason though. We are yet to know his interest.

"So, I will only have to meet him like a friend? Nothing else?"

"Exactly! If you want to meet, meet him as a friend, and try to figure out your exact feelings for him." He advised, and the door of elevator gets open at IT department of our company.

A sudden barge inside the department left all the staff puzzled. "Continue your work." I said without looking at them and advancing my steps towards Mr Chu's office.

Knocking twice on the office, I wait for him to reply. Though I am the CEO, I cannot barge inside other's personal space without their permission. Beside, Mr Chu is an elder who worked with my dad for the past thirty years.

When a faint 'come in' sounded from closed door, I glanced at the Arthur before opening the office door.

"Good Morning Mr Chu. How is it going?" I asked with an authoritative tone and a facial full of serious expression which others expect from a CEO. Upon entering inside, I saw two youngsters furiously coding something on their laptops.

"Almost done Sir. The videos from the major university gossiping sites have been deleted. My boys here are trying to find out if there are any copies uploaded at other sites." He answers politely. Turning my gaze, I looked at Arthur before looking at the two boys. They bowed at me in respect, and I nodded at them in acknowledgment.

"Sir, What about the accounts of the individuals who uploaded it?" Arthur asked Mr Chu, and Mr Chu smiled courteously before replying, "We went according to our CEO's words. They won't be able to access their accounts for few days, and when they will be, they will lose their uploaded data from the timeline."

"What if they re-upload it?"

"They cannot. According to our CEO's request, we are planning to hack their system and notify the user who uploaded it, that their account has been reported. As a result, they will think twice before uploading something." He patiently answers.

Arthur glanced at me for explanation, and we exchange the look of puzzled expression.

"Sir, is there anything you want? Or other instruction for us?" it was when Mr Chu asks me this, did I realise why they didn't take Arthur's advice into consideration. They never knew who Arthur was, all they did was to follow my order in a particular way that our company won't be held responsible for whatever the issues arise later.

"No. great going Mr Chu. I am proud to have someone like you here with me to handle things for me." I Thanked Mr Chu, before casting a look at Arthur, which mouths, 'Let's go, they will handle this.'

"Why didn't they listen to me?" Arthur asked as soon as we take the elevator to reach my floor.

"You're not their CEO." I answered while shrugging my shoulder, to show him that it's not a big deal. It's their duty to listen and follow my orders. And soon Arthur understands my one line answer, and bobs his head. "Great going Mr CEO" he pats my shoulder in almost mocking way before glancing at the number of floors.

A ding sound sounded once we reach on 19th floor. "So, it's my first time coming to Mr CEO's office." He says while making his way out from the elevator.

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