Dreamland II

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After eating, I started helping him with dishes in order to help him with loads of kitchen work.

"Do you want any specific thing to eat for evening snacks? I can start preparing for it now. so that, we can go on that cliff to watch the sunset. You know I really love dusk on beaches. It has kind of warmth to share with last passing of rays." He says while transferring the leftover from serving bowls to the container.

"With you around me, it's enough." I said as I was done drying up the last plate. "Finally, I got you back." he said as he made his way towards me. The statement was quite weird as I don't remember our past memories of being together. But my every being could feel his presence like he was that constant of my life which meant to last for the time eternity.

"What should we do now?" he asks while slinging his left hand onto my shoulder. I thought for a while before answering, "Let's walk for a while? I ate too much." I turned around to face him as I responded for making an alibi for extracting some information about my past and the place I was now.

Perhaps looking around the surroundings might help, and that's the sole reason behind stepping out.

"Yes sure." He beamed, and I glanced down at those balls of meat which were now lurking around kitchen. "Let's bring them out too. With us." I suggested and he nodded in acknowledgment.

Donning with some casuals, we both stepped out in open meadows which were adorning the beauty of this place. "You know I was so happy when you said you will bring me here on our 6th wedding anniversary." He says while brushing his hands through the strands of grass.

6 years... we have been together and married for six years? Just how much did I forget?

"Wow, Yibo.. let's catch that butterfly." He tweeted pointing at a yellow butterfly. The intensity of those spoken words was high enough to pierce the flow of wind and stir out my train of thoughts.

Without thinking much about the things I forgot, I strode in his direction. What if I can't remember the past? As long as he is here with me, memories can be made at any instant.

"Be careful" I yelled as I strode forward to catch his wobbling figure. "Be careful baby, what if you injured yourself by tripping over something?" I asked while holding his leaning figure on my chest.

"I know you would catch me up if I were to stumble over something." He replied bluntly, and I gasped at the expanse of trust he have in me. "You trust me that much?" I subconsciously voiced out, and he nodded, "Because I love you. And you were always there for me, and no matter what, you will always be there with me." He answered, and tears of happiness started brimming inside my eyes at the response.

Just how much he loves me? The more I spend time with him, it becoming harder for me to let him know that I do not remember my past. How much that thing gonna hurt him?

"Yibo?" a soft touch on my cheeks reminds me that my tears were already slithering down, "What is it?" he asks as he wipes them off for me.

"Nothing. What did I do in my life to get someone like you?" I asked instead, and he giggled it out cutely. "Then make sure to make this anniversary special." As he demanded, I couldn't control the urge to taste those sinful lips again.

"Yibo," he wheezed as I let go of his lips. "Hmm?" I managed to utter through my rough breathing. "I missed you hubby. How long it has been since..mpff" he couldn't complete his words as I shut his mouth with my own again.

"Let's spend our night together. I want to fill you up as I wish you happy anniversary." I said as we parted, and soon he chased my lips into an ardent kiss after processing what I just said. "I want to impale myself on you throughout this night." he laid out his deepest carnal desires, and I smiled at his honesty.

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