Dark Past

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I decided to update early after reading all the comments. Dedicated to all the anxious souls. 😅Keep yourself on Yibo’s place and imagine that's happening with you as there won't be Yibo’s perspective here.

Arthur's POV

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Arthur's POV.

The thing I was afraid of most was standing right here in front of me, laughing victoriously at my futile condition. Unknowingly I triggered the concealed memories of that night which took us months to bury them inside the pit of his dark memories, taking every care that he shouldn't be reminded of them again. That dark night, that brutal fight in rain, it's still our worst nightmare. The night after which he never had a peaceful sleep again. That night is the reason behind his every nightmare, that night is the reason he is afraid of dark, he is afraid of nights. He afraid of being left out. That night is the reason he is still afraid to fall asleep alone, and also it's that night and the nightmares attached to it which forced him to go around and seek pleasure to avoid falling asleep until this became his habit.

And I was the reason behind it. Because I reached late there, delay of 5min and he had to lose everything he ever had that night, even his mind. And also that was the first time I got introduce to Wang 'The Monster' Yibo. He was Satan himself when he him fighting with them.

He alone had beaten the shit out of every member of CRFO gang which was present at the scene, including their boss. The only mistake he made there was to leave the half dead person to die alone. Little did he know that the same person will survive and will even wake up after two years of being in the state of coma?

"Where is dad?" he had asked me as soon as he was done fighting alone. "I asked them to take him to hospital. Come I will take you." I had replied looking at his blood soaked clothes. I knew it was not his, it was theirs.

"He promised he won't leave me." He had stated. Though his words were firm, his voice had quivered. He too knew that his begging won't be fulfilled for he knew his dad at that time won't be able to fulfil this wish of his. He was shot twice after all; one on chest and another on his lower abdomen.

Contrary to my thoughts, I had answered, "He will make it. He won't leave you. He never failed to fulfil his promises. Especially the promises he made to you!"

With a verbal reassurance we had set out in the direction of hospital. This was all because of business. My uncle, dad's brother was the one to hire that gang to kidnap the only son of Wangs. Little did they know that Wang Yibo was not someone they could take lightly. However, things went wrong when Mr Wang reached the place once he got the news of 'his son being in danger'.

They held him captive to get the leverage over Yibo, but as he was about to surrender, Uncle Wang tried to get himself free from their grip. And in that process, he received a gunshot.

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