Outset Of Inner Turmoil

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Yeah Ik I shouldn’t have put this note here. But you see I am bad at keeping promises? Nonetheless, the chapter was really lengthy with lots of emotions and kind of revelations that it took slightly more than expected time for me to update. Keep yourself in the following character standpoint to understand the hints that has been dropped in this update. Btw, it’s the longest MMC chapter so far with nearly 4k words. I really tried to shorten it, but couldn’t help which point to discard which one to keep. And given that this update wasn’t penned and continued on the same day adds drawback to it. Know that Arthur is trying hard to stay strong tho he knows he would collapse at any time and thus trying to distract his mind in processing the things happened before. Hope you all won’t criticize me for writing shits? Okay, I took enough of your time if anyone was reading the note. You may proceed.

Xiao Zhan POV

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Xiao Zhan POV

One hour into the situation at hand, and I could see the hospital staff rushing around preparing for something I wasn’t aware of. Wasn’t the bullet taken out earlier when we brought him? It was! The senior doctor had informed Arthur.

I looked at Arthur who was mirroring my baffled expression on his face. At the possibilities of losing him, I couldn’t hold onto the tears which were cramming my eyes, forcing my vision to blur. What was happening? Didn’t they say it was okay, that they put him on the observation? What were they doing inside for the hours back then? Didn’t they say they attended his injuries?

"Shhh don’t cry. I am here. He will be alright." Arthur suddenly raised his hand to wipe my tears and that’s when I let the sob which I was holding since long, out. I cannot afford to lose him, even he ain’t mine. Witnessing his death in front of my eyes is the least thing I want. I never want to regret in my life for meeting him. I was happy at our every meet, was contented to be with him even if I meant a mere friend to him.

A soft hand started patting on my back, guiding me to lean on the shoulder provided. "Let it out Xiao Zhan, you need to s—" his word remained wedged in his throat, and I jolted up to trace his sight of vision. There was the senior doctor whom Arthur addressed as his father earlier.

“Chen, we need to talk. It’s urgent. Did you manage to contact other hospital for blood?” there was pained urgency in the doctor’s voice, as if he was scared of losing the patient, as if Yibo was his own child whom he had raised single handily.  

"I have contacted some. They are on the way. But until they are here, Xiao Zhan would like to donate." Arthur stated keeping me at the forefront. I glanced back at his pleading eyes, which said nothing more than 'please save my best friend.' I smiled sadly at the irony of the situation. His best friend is asking me to save the one I love. I wish I could lay out my feeling in front of him. I wish my feelings were accepted, I wished Yibo wasn’t straight. I wish letting out my feelings won’t disgrace them. However, every dream ain’t meant for completion. And this was one of them. Owning Yibo to myself; the dream which  never gonna fulfilled at least in this life.

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