Crossing of The Threshold?

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Wang Yibo's POV

Walking towards the balcony, I picked a wine glass in my right hand. The curtains of the sliding glass door were pulled up to allow the shining moon light inside. Taking a sip I crossed the threshold before engulfing my life in my arms.

Turning around he smiled before cupping my face into those smooth hands. I was never content before this. This person standing in front of me with his bunny smile can be the death of mine.

"Ain't you feeling cold?" I enquired and he shook his head in denial. Turning around again he leaned his arms on the railings of the balcony. He is still gazing at the endless sky. After the sudden rainfall, the clear sky is sprinkled with countless shining stars. The full moon among them is radiating the warmth of love. The fresh earthy smell after the first rainfall has ventured into the surroundings, making one breathe in the bliss. Even the otherwise irritating cries of nocturnal insect gives a vibe of peacefulness in this pleasant ambient.

Back hugging him, I enquired. "Isn't this beautiful?" he nodded before extending his hand for the wine glass. And emptying the glass at once, "You don't have to drink, I'll warm you up." I whispered near his ears, making him arch his head on my neck in sensation.

He turned around in my embrace again and rested his hands on my chest. Sliding the left sleeve of my bathrobe, he placed a chaste kiss on my heart before extending his tongue to in script something on it. The calligraphy he did was.. I Love You.

He looks up at me demanding the answer to it. And I raised his chin to place a kiss. Yet my whole world ceased to exist when I looked at the stitches mark above his Adam apple.

Why are they there? Is this why he was always hiding it with his turtleneck outfits? Why did I not notice it before? And unconsciously the wine glass I was holding slipped out of my grip, breaking into hundreds of pieces the moment it touched the floor. Yet, even the sound of it didn't manage to rupture my cocoon of thoughts.

Thinking about the possibilities brought unknown tears to my eyes. The moment they slithered out, I felt a soft thing kissing them. I blinked twice just to see him closer to my face, wiping my tears with his soft lips.

I embraced him more tightly. I don't know why but I just want to hold him and cry. Cry for all the sufferings he went through. Cry for all the things he is hiding from me. Cry at the thought of losing this precious bundle of joy in future. Every time I get close to him, the words 'You both are going to have your fair share to bear. And you, out of both, gonna suffer more. First for not knowing the truth, and later for knowing it from someone else. He won't be there to soothe you at that time, and you, yourself, have to be stronger for what he is going to leave behind for you to take care of.' Every time I take a step in his direction, the predicted future forces me to retract two steps back as I am sure of my heart. It won't be able to let go.

His soft soothing pats on my back dragged me back to reality where he is still with me. For the last one month that we have been together as friends, I nearly lost myself in the future several times. It was always him who brought me back to reality with his soft touches.

His every touch is bolstering me just to love him more. Just to let him know how much I love him. But, is this right? What will I do if he leaves me? Will I be able to live without him if we take this step?

"Will you leave me?" I asked my heart out, as this is the only thing which was restraining me right from the moment that lady conveyed our future. She may or may not be accurate. But, my heart wants to know if its owner will leave or not.

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