prologue (*)

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Natalia Edwards was finally coming back home after spending a year at Beauxbatons. She had a strong hatred for that school yet she wouldn't complain because she knew it was for her safety. 

Her dad was Sirius Black, an innocent man who spent 12 years of his life in Azkaban wrongly convicted. It wasn't until about a year ago that she finally got to start living with him again. Before then, Natalia lived with her uncle, Remus Lupin, who took Natalia in ever since her mom passed away when she was little.

When Natalia arrived home, she was wondering why the house was so quiet. Normally she would hear the loud voice of her grandmother yelling about how her dad was a traitor or Kreacher worshipping her grandmother but today there was complete silence. 

"Dad! Lupin!" Natalia yelled. "I'm home!"

No one had answered her so she decided to look in the many rooms of 12 Grimmauld Place until she found someone. 

She opened the door that led to the kitchen where she was met with her father, her uncle, as well as someone she didn't expect to be there, Nymphadora Tonks.

Tonks and Natalia bonded last summer when the two of them were trying to figure out a way to keep Sirius safe from the Ministry. The ministry still believed that Sirius was guilty of supporting Voldemort even though the infamous, Harry Potter, had finally killed him a few months ago.

"Sweetheart I've missed you so much," Sirius said while hugging the black-haired girl. Natalia noticed that Sirius' hair had grown longer, imitating the style of her curly hair. 

"I missed you too dad but how come no one greeted me when I came home? I thought I would have come home to a huge party with a bunch of banners saying how much you missed me," the girl teased, not really caring much about any party that the two of them threw. All she cared about was being back home with her dad and her uncle.

"Wow Sirius, she is definitely your daughter," Lupin had joked while hugging Natalia as well.

Natalia then turned and ran straight to Tonks and tackled her. She had missed her so much over the past year and they both had a lot to catch up on. 

While the two girls were catching up, Sirius and Lupin had continued their conversation that was interrupted by Natalia coming home. 

"How do we tell her that she has to change schools in her last year?" Sirius whispered. "She's gonna hate us. I don't want her to lose all the friends she had there, she's going to have to make new ones."

"It's for her own good Sirius, she'll understand," Lupin said, putting a hand on Sirius' back. "Plus she hates that school. It's too proper and fancy for her tastes. She would always come home complaining, so I think she'll be happy to change schools even if it's only for a year."

"What are you two whispering about?" Natalia said loudly, confused as to why the two of them were whispering. They were never one to keep secrets from her and she wanted to know what the two of them were up to. 

"Sweetheart, we need to talk to you," Sirius said, a serious look on his face, making Natalia wonder what the hell they were going to tell her. 

"Now, I'm scared," Natalia said, laughing under her breath out of nervousness.

"It's nothing bad Lia, but you have to listen to everything before you say anything ok?" Lupin said, making sure she knew before responding. She was always one to voice her opinions loudly, just like her dad. 

"Ok now I'm actually scared."

"Sirius and I have been talking and we also asked Tonks for her opinion and we think that this year it might be better to send you to Hogwarts instead of finishing your last year at Beauxbatons?"

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