chapter 44 - f o r g e t

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TW: miscarriage and mentions of infertility

A/N: i don't know if they have surgery in the wizarding world or not but for the sake of my story they do okay? okay.

go ham on the votes and comments because i wrote this instead of studying for my honors pre-calc quiz


Two hours. Natalia had been in surgery for two hours while everyone was just waiting for any news. As soon as she had passed out, Fred and everyone else floo powdered to St. Mungo's.

Sirius was pacing back and forth and Fred was bouncing his leg repeatedly, his head resting in his hands. George and Lee had went to go get coffee and food for the two, they hadn't eaten or moved out of the waiting room since Natalia was admitted.

"Fred." He looked up and saw Astoria standing there next to Remus, tears falling down her face.

"Is she okay?" Tori asked.

"I don't know," he said, not being able to make eye contact with her. "She's still in surgery."

"What happened?"

"It's a long story," his voice cracking between the words.

"We have all the time in the world Fred tell me. She's my best friend."



Another hour passed. Fred had told Tori everything that had happened in the past few weeks and she broke down. She couldn't believe she had no idea that her best friend was going through so much. Tori knew Natalia was pregnant and that she had some problems but she had no idea about Louis kidnapping her and having to kill him for her safety.

George and Lee had come back with some food but Fred didn't eat anything. He couldn't bear to do anything unless he knew Natalia was okay.

"Is Sirius Black here?" someone asked, startling everyone.

"Yes, yes I'm right here," Sirius quickly said.

"Your daughter is out. If you want we can take you to her room but only family for right now."

"Okay," he said. He got up to go to her room before stopping and looking at Fred. "Why are you still sitting? Get your ass up Fred you're family too."

"I- you sure?"

"I think Natalia would kill me if you weren't in the room as well," he said with a dry laugh. Fred didn't hesitate in getting up and going with Sirius and the healer to Natalia's room.

They walked in and saw Natalia laying on the bed, her eyes closed. She looked like she was dead. Her chest was barely moving, scaring Fred and Sirius even more.

"Is she-" Sirius couldn't even finish his sentence.

"She's okay. She's alive but we do have some bad news."

"She's alive?" Fred asked.

"Yes but there were complications during the surgery and whatever spell was casted on her caused many problems. We have never heard of a spell like this but we think it was meant to cause a miscarriage."

"And is that what happened?" Fred asked, scared of finding out the answer.

"Sadly yes. Now as we have said before, this baby was probably Natalia's only chance at having a biological baby. Her ovarian cysts have caused infertility which can be hard on many women. If you would like we can talk to her about possibly seeing someone to process what happened because many women deal with this in different ways. Some deal with it by talking about their feelings and some just choose not to talk about it."

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