chapter 26 - h o s p i t a l

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TW: mentions of infertility and ovarian cancer

Natalia woke up in a white room with unfamiliar surroundings. The first thing she noticed was Fred sitting right next to her in a chair, holding her hand, with tear-stained cheeks and her dad pacing back and forth.

"Where am I?" Natalia croaked out.

"You're okay," Fred said while blowing out a breath.

"Oh thank god sweetheart," Sirius said while enveloping her in a hug.

"As much as I love all this attention, what is going on and where am I?"

"You're at St. Mungo's and as far what happened, I'll get the doctor. She can explain it."

Sirius walked back in with the doctor and the look on his face scared Natalia. She was still in pain but it wasn't as bad as it had been the past week.

"We'll be waiting outside sweetheart," Sirius said while him and Fred walked out.

"Hi Ms. Edwards, I'm Healer Avery. Do you know what happened?"

"Obviously not otherwise I wouldn't be asking," I said with a dry laugh.

"You had an ovarian cyst in your body. Normally these aren't harmful and you can't really feel them but in this case, one of them burst in your body causing severe abdominal pain as well as intense bleeding."

"So that's the reason I've been in pain this entire week. I thought it was just my period."

"Ovarian cysts typically resemble periods especially because of the blood but in this case, the severe pain should of made you realize that something was wrong."

"When I get my periods they're normally pretty painful so I just assumed it was the same thing."

"Yes well I was asking your dad about normally what happens and he would always talk about how you sometimes couldn't move or get out of bed without it hurting. The reason for this is because of this ovarian cyst. It was always close to rupturing but since it never did, it just inflicted pain whenever it tried to burst."

"Will I be okay?"

"You will be okay but I just want to let you know the side effects. It is very rare but this could cause infertility as well as ovarian cancer. There are very rare cases of it causing ovarian cancer but that doesn't mean it can't happen."

"So I potentially could get cancer or not be able to have a baby?"

"Yes those are potential possibilities. I was taking a look at the pictures we took when you were brought in and it seems like there are a few other cysts in your ovaries. At the moment, they are not harmful but in the future they could burst."

"So what do I do?"

"As normal treatment for ovarian cysts, we usually recommend our patients to either go on birth control, which I see you're already on, or if it gets to that point, we may offer them the choice of surgery."

"If I don't do anything I could potentially get cancer?"

"Like I said it is very rare. Do you know if it runs in your family?"

"I'm not sure. I know no one on my dad's side has it but I don't really know about my mom's side. She died when I was around 5 years old."

"I see. I have one more question for you."

"Go ahead."

"Are you sexually active?"

"Oh. Umm yea I am but uh why did you need to know that?"

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