chapter 29 - f i r s t t i m e

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TW: Mentions of sexual assault and rape (pretty much just trying to figure out what happened last chapter + a little background)

Ever since that night it was like wherever Natalia went she had to be wary of her surroundings. They still hadn't figured out who could've done such a thing. She ended up confiding in George and Lee as well as Eli, Tori, Dylan, and Bella.

Everyone kept treating her like she was fragile, like she was about to break any second. They were always on edge around her. Her mood changed every second it's like you could never predict what she was going to do.

"God Fred it's been two fucking weeks and we haven't figured out a god damn thing!"

"Nat we'll figure out who did this I promise-"

"You keep saying that! You all keep saying that but it's like we're getting nowhere! Do you know how hard it is to have to keep remembering that night over and over again?"

"No I don't know what it's like. The only one who knows what it's like is Tori. Why don't you try talking to her?"

"I can't," she said with a crack her voice.

"Why not?"

"Whenever I would ask before she would pretend not to know what I was talking about. She would shut me out, shut everyone out. It's like she completely removed that memory from her head."

"What about telling your dad?"

"No I can't. I didn't tell him the first time it happened, I'm not gonna-"

"First time? This has happened before?"

"It was a few years ago, that's not a big deal-"

"Not a big deal? Nat of course it's a big deal! Do you even know who did it? Do you remember what happened? Did you tell anyone?

"Yes, I remember everything from that night. And no, I didn't tell anyone. If you remember I didn't have any friends until I came to Hogwarts. Only Fleur but she's a year above us so I barely got to talk to her."

"If you're comfortable with it can you tell me what happened? Obviously you don't have to but I just want you to know I'm here for you," Fred said while intertwining his hands with Natalia's and placing them in his lap.

"No it's okay, I think I can finally tell the story. It's been almost 3 years," she said with a dry laugh. "Umm so yea 3 years ago. I was at school and I was at a party, this was before I realized no one liked me so I was glad to be with people. I had gone to the bathroom and when I came out of the stall and someone attacked me. They pushed me back into the bathroom and forced themselves onto me."

Fred took a deep breath and looked at Natalia with tears brimming his eyes. It hurt his heart to hear about what had happened to his girl. How could anyone ever want to hurt her?

"He tried kissing me and pinned me against the wall so I couldn't move and he also um ripped my dress. I think he was drunk at the time, I don't really remember his name but apparently he had a girlfriend at the time. She had come into the bathroom at the same time and was extremely pissed. She yelled at me for being a whore and for trying to take her boyfriend and that also led to everyone else hating me. I mean she was popular and it was her word against mine," she said while looking down at her lap.

Fred could notice the tears running down her face but she was trying to cover them with her hair.

"Hey Nat, look at me. You're perfect okay. Don't listen to what she said. You know the truth, you are NOT a whore. You're the love of my life and they don't know you like I do."

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