chapter 46 - h a y l e y

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TW: suicide and mentions of self-harm

once again if anyone needs to talk my messages are always open. please don't hesitate if you are going through something like this or similar. my heart goes out to everyone who has been through anything this heart-breaking.

and if you're clean, i don't care if its 2 days or 2 years, i am incredibly, incredibly proud of you.

here's some resources if you're going through something right now or know someone who is dealing with this:

National Suicide Hotline: 800-273-8255

please please please don't hesitate to talk to me if something is going on.


Hayley Edwards was a beautiful, bubbly woman. She would always be the one to cheer up everyone around her which weighed down on her immensely. Hayley stupidly fell in love with Sirius Black in her 5th year at Hogwarts after having been best friends since their first year.

They foolishly got married right after they graduated because Hayley was pregnant with their daughter. It was one accidental night of unprotected sex but it brought the love of their lives into their lives. Natalia Hayley Edwards-Black.

Hayley's parents had kicked her out when they heard that she was knocked up and she went to live with Remus Lupin and his family. Sirius was already living with the Potters and she didn't want to be a bigger burden, having to take care of two of James' friends.

When Sirius was sent to Azkaban, Hayley was heartbroken. The love of her life was being convicted for being the reason that two of their best friends were dead. How was she supposed to react?

She never stopped loving him even after hearing about how he betrayed him and all his friends. It hurt her heart to see her 2 year old daughter in front of her, almost an exact copy of Sirius but the female version.

Remus Lupin was Natalia's godfather and Hayley saw how much he cared for this little girl. He never had the chance of finding someone to love because of his lycanthropy. He didn't want to have to torture someone with the curse that he had since he was little.

**Flashback to 13 years ago:

3 years after Sirius got taken away, Hayley was standing in the bathroom, knife in hand, cutting again. She wanted to feel something. She felt like she was the one responsible for Natalia not having her father in her life.

Knock Knock.

"Mommy? Are you in there?" Hayley heard the quiet little voice. Natalia. The only reason she hadn't done it yet. The only reason she didn't kill herself.

"Uncle Lupin is looking for you," she heard the quaint voice again.

"I'll be out in a minute my sweetheart," Hayley replied, her voice shaky.

"Okay mommy." Hayley heard her little feet skip away before continuing to cut lines on her arms and thighs.

Tears ran down her cheeks just thinking of the torture that Sirius must have been going through and being the reason he was there. She was the one who urged Sirius to have Peter be the Potter's secret keeper. Had she not said anything, maybe Harry would have his parents. Maybe Natalia would have her dad back.

Hayley realized it was now or never. This was it. This was the end. Lupin would take care of Natalia which was the only reason why she okay with doing this. With killing herself. She wanted to rid the pain.

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