chapter 30 - r u i n

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TW: mentions of rape and sexual assault (kidnapping? a lil i guess)

Fred had been sitting in the booth waiting for another 15 minutes when he wondered where Natalia was. It wasn't like this for her to be in the bathroom for so long, maybe something happened.

He got up and walked over to the bathroom and slowly opened the door, making sure to cover his eyes.

"Nat? You in here?"

No response.


No response.

"Where the hell did she go?" Fred quietly muttered. He closed the door and quickly made his way out and back to Hogwarts.

He ran into the Slytherin common room to find Tori. "Tori!" he shouted.

"What?" she replied.

"Have you seen Natalia?"

"Aren't you two supposed to be on a date?"

"Yeah but she went to the bathroom and never came back," Fred said like it was obvious.

"Are you sure she didn't just skip out on you?" Tori joked.

"Tori I'm serious I don't know where she is."

"Fred she hasn't been back here since earlier today."

"Shit," he mumbled while running back to his room. He couldn't find George or Lee but he found the next best thing. Harry Potter.



"Do you have the Marauder's Map?"

"Umm," Harry said while scratching his head, "Actually Lia has it."


"Yeah she borrowed it that night you guys broke up to find you in the Astronomy Tower."

"She never gave it back?"

"I never asked. I assume it's probably in her drawers in her room or something."

"Thanks Harry," Fred said before taking off for the third time.

"Bloody hell this girl was going to be the death of me. Making me run three times in the span of an hour?" Fred thought.


"Williams? What-"

"Shut up you fucking bitch," he spat.


"Shut the fuck up! You want to know why I did this? You ruined my fucking life. You got me fucking expelled which made parents send me to fucking Durmstrang. You know how terrible that school is. I feel like I'm getting abused every single day, mentally and physically."

"You did that to yourself."

"You could've just shut the fuck up and not have told McGonagall and I wouldn't have done anything to you. I would've let you off the hook."

"You hu- you raped me because I told a professor that you sexually assaulted my best friend? You deserve every single that has happened to you. I would never let a rapist go off free. I don't care how many times you hurt me, I will do anything to make sure you rot in a cell in Azkaban."

Josh moved closer and then slapped Natalia after she spoke out.

"How dare you speak like that to me you whore?"

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