chapter 7 - b e s t f r i e n d s

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After what Fred had just witnessed, he knew he needed to tell someone. The first person that came to his mind was Natalia so as fast as he could, he ran to the Slytherin common room.

Fred found out what the Slytherin common room password was when he overheard it once over the years he had been at Hogwarts. Every year he though it would change but it never did. 

He finally made it to the Slytherin common room and muttered the password, "Pureblood."


"What the hell are you doing in here Weasel?"

"Do you know where Lia is? I really need to talk to her it's super important."

"She's in our room, I can go and get her for you," Astoria said sweetly. 

"Thanks Astoria," Fred said with a smile. 

Astoria ran upstairs quickly and found Natalia lying on her bed. 

"Lia," Tori said out of breath, "Fred needs to talk to you, he said it's important."

"Oh ok," Lia said while putting her homework away, "I guess I'll be back when he's done talking so don't wait up for me."

"Sounds good, have fun," Astoria said sending her a wink. 

Natalia shook her head while laughing as she made her way down the stairs and into the Slytherin common room. 

Right as she was about to enter the common room she heard Tori shout, "USE PROTECTION!!"

"I swear to god I'm gonna kill that girl one day," Lia muttered under her breath. 

Fred realized Natalia had come downstairs and instantly ran up to her and hugged her. 

"Hey Freddie, you okay?"

"I need to tell you something important."

"Okay let's go somewhere else, there's too many people here and I don't think they appreciate a Gryffindor being in our common room."

The pair left the Slytherin common room and walked to the Astronomy Tower in complete silence. Halfway there, Natalia got super out of breath and when Fred noticed, he decided to give her a piggy-back ride all the way to the tower. 

When they arrived to their destination, Fred had put Lia down and the two stared at each other in silence. 

"So what's going on, what did you need to tell me?"

"You have to promise not to tell anyone, I don't know if they want anyone to know."

"Of course Freddie I won't tell anyone."

"So I went back to my common room and I was looking for George but I couldn't find it so I went up to dorm and I opened the door and I think I saw something I shouldn't have."

"What did you see?"

"I saw George and Lee making out."


"That was my EXACT reaction. Like obviously idgaf if George and Lee are dating but I was so shocked that I kinda slammed the door and ran straight to you and they probably think I hate them or something," Fred said while grimacing.

"Fred they won't think that."

"How do you know that?"

"They probably just realized that you were in shock which is why you didn't say anything and closed the door. If it makes you feel better, I can come back with you."

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