chapter 43 - s c a r e d

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TW: blood and violence

A/N: btw i changed it so louis' last name is louis moreno because why not so you can choose to keep continuing imagining him as louis partridge or whoever you want 


Natalia's POV (a few hours before she arrived at the twin's flat):

"Get up!" I was awoken from my 30 minutes of sleep to look at Louis opening the door so I could finally leave the dark room. It was like I was blind whenever I went to my room. There was no light, no windows, no nothing. I was forced to sit in darkness with only my thoughts to keep me company.  

It was one of the worst forms of torture. Louis didn't slap me, he didn't beat me, he just would leave me in that room for hours and hours with no food, no water, just me and my thoughts. 

When he did let me leave the room, it was either to give me food so I didn't starve to death. Louis would try and talk to me but I would ignore him. 

I know I'm stupid. I know I'm literally pregnant and I'm probably gonna lose this baby but I couldn't let him hurt Sabrina because she didn't do anything wrong. It's my fault that he even came to the store. I'm the reason for all of this. 

"Eat," his voice said, interrupting my thoughts. I didn't say anything, I didn't move, I just hoped that Fred or my dad would find me soon and take me away from this hell-hole. 

I don't think I've cried once the entire time I've been here. I've tried but it's like my well was dry, nothing came out no matter what I would think of. 

My body felt numb. 

"Eat or I will hurt you," Louis threatened while holding up his knife. I still didn't respond and this time, he got closer.

"Fucking hell eat Natalia!" he shouted. I didn't even flinch. I was used to this. He would always shout in our relationship and it's been getting worse and worse since I've been in here. 

I don't even know how long it's been. Four? Maybe five days? Time doesn't feel real when I'm in here. 

"Did you not hear me or something? Are you fucking deaf now?" he kept yelling over and over again. 

I couldn't give into him. Not when he would continue doing this every single day, even if I listened to him. 

I looked up to see Louis getting closer and closer to me, knife in hand, about to attack me. 

"I don't want to hurt you Tals but if you don't eat I will do it."

"Go ahead," I finally said. "I'd rather die than be stuck here." I tried apparating out of here multiple times but I didn't have my wand and he also had protective enchantments places to prevent me from being able to leave. 

"Don't push me," he threatened. 

"You're too scared to do anything," I said. 


"You keep threatening me saying you're gonna hurt me if I don't listen to you but you haven't done anything yet. I think you're too much of a pussy to do shit to me."

"You're wrong."

"Then do it. Stab me. I fucking dare you," I said while getting up from the chair. 

"Don't tempt me."

"Do it. Do it. Just fucking do-" I never finished my sentence. 

He ran at me, knife in hand, and tried to stab me before I quickly moved to the side. I ran back into the dark room and all I had to do was find his wand. If I could find his wand, I could leave. 

"Where are you Tals?" he shouted. I hated when he called me that. It brought back memories of when I was in a relationship with him, something I so desperately wanted to forget. 

"Tals if you come out I won't hurt you," he said once again. I needed to make it look like I was somewhere else. 

I found a hard object on the ground and I threw it to the other side, distracting him. Hopefully this would work. 

I quickly got up and ran in the opposite direction, hoping he wouldn't be able to hear me. I found his room, opening every single drawer looking for his wand. 

"Looking for this?" I froze in place. Fuck

"Did you really think that you could run from me? I'm not that stupid you know."

"You sure about that?" I fired back. 

"Shut the fuck up are you trying to get yourself killed?" my inner conscious said. 

"Come here princess." I almost gagged. 

"If you come here I won't hurt you," he said in a sweet voice. Yeah right, I may be stupid but I'm not that stupid.

"How can I trust you?" I asked.

"I'll drop the knife if you come with me." Did he really believe I wouldn't just take the knife? He's so bloody stupid. 

"Okay. Drop the knife first and I'll come." He listened and placed the knife on the floor before I made my way over to him. 

It was so quick. In one second, I lunged for the knife and grabbed it before he could do anything. 

"You bitch!" he yelled. In a second he grabbed his wand from the back of his pocket and aimed it at me. 

I quickly lunged and aimed the knife at his stomach, hitting him perfectly. I pulled out the knife, stabbing him multiple times and the dropped the knife, looking at my blood-covered hands. 

This wasn't me. 

What was I doing? 

I just stabbed him. 

What was wrong with me?

I looked up and saw him pointing his wand at me, waving and muttering a spell which made my stomach start to bleed. 


Not now. 

Not when I'm this close to getting out of here. 

Grabbing the knife once more, I stabbed him until his pulse was gone and he wasn't breathing anymore. Red covered his body, the floor, everything around me. All I could see was red. 

I killed him.

I hesitantly grabbed the wand and somehow managed to apparate to Fred and George's flat. When I arrived there, I saw my dad standing in the front, looking at me with shock evident on his face. 

He called for George and Fred and they ran out into the living room to see me in Sirius's hands, blood covering my clothes and my hands.

"He's dead," I said, breaking the silence. "I killed him."

Fred walked over to me and my dad and held me in his hands, brushing the hair out of my face, just watching me.

"Nat where's the blood coming from?" Fred asked.

"I don't know- ow," I winced when Fred touched the side of my stomach.

"We have to take you to the hospital love."

"No no no, they're gonna ask what happened and I can't- I can't- I-"

I never finished my sentence. 



next chapter will be out hopefully tomorrow but probably later this week because i have a shit ton of projects due

p.s. check out my harry potter one shots book i published (message me for requests)

- ms. lube

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