chapter 21 - p u n c h e s

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A/N: Comment songs for the playlist I'm making for this book!

Winter break was officially over. Fred and Natalia got even closer during the last week, if that was even possible. With tumbling in the sheets or stealing small kisses everywhere, they were even stronger than before. 

They had arrived at Hogwarts and were sitting in the Great Hall eating dinner with all their friends. Even though they were all in different houses, they all sat together at the Gryffindor table laughing and talking about their breaks. 

Natalia decided to spend tonight with Fred in the Gryffindor common room so she made her way there with him and every other Gryffindor. 

They were holding hands while walking back when Fred instantly froze. 

"Freddie you good?" Natalia asked. Fred didn't respond but his jaw instantly clenched. She looked over to where he was looking and spotted Kalen talking to some of his friends. 

Fred instantly dropped Lia's hand and walked over to where Kalen was and gave him a good punch to the jaw. 

"This is for kissing my girlfriend when she clearly said no." Fred punched him again. 

"Yeah well she fucking lied, she was begging for more after," Kalen said while wiping the blood off his lip. Kalen attempted to punch Fred back but he ducked and Kalen's hand hit the wall instead. 

Fred punched him again and then grabbed onto his collar and pushed him against the wall. "Don't fucking lie to me you asshole. You don't tell someone you like them when they are in a fucking relationship with someone." Kalen was clawing at Fred's arms trying to get him to let go of him. 

"If I ever see you around my fucking girl again, I'll do more than a few punches," Fred said while dropped Kalen to the ground. 

"You're just gonna let her fail her classes then?"

"She'll get someone else to help her, not someone who's trying to get in her fucking pants," Fred spat at the low-life laying on the ground. 

Fred walked away and then picked Natalia up and threw her over his shoulder while slapping her ass. Natalia screamed but didn't say anything else. What she witnessed Fred do made her panties soaked and she was ready to reward him. 


Fred pulled his pants up while Natalia wiped her mouth and then they made their way back up to Fred's room.

"You're so fucking perfect Nat," he said while holding her face with his hand. "I lo-"

"Hey Freddie! You coming? Lee and I are tired hurry up," George screamed. 

"Fuck," he grumbled under his breath. "Yeah Georgie coming."

The next day, Fred and Natalia had gotten up and made their way to their first class of the day, Charms. They shared Charms with Hufflepuff which meant that they were gonna have to see Kalen. Fred was annoyed with this but knew exactly what he was gonna do if he caught that bitch-boy staring at his girl. 

Walking into class, they saw Flitwick saying to sit with a partner. Fred looked over to Natalia and whispered in her ear saying, "Wanna be my partner love?"

"Of course Freddie," Natalia said while giggling. 

"Alright everyone once you've got your partners I'm going to assign you to work with another group and the four of you will do spend this class period doing what I assign you," Flitwick said. 

"You two," he said while pointing to Fred and Natalia, "you two will be working with Ms. Parkinson and Mr. Adams."

They both walked over to Lia's Slytherin friends and was extremely thankful that Flitwick hadn't assigned them to work with Kalen or one of his friends. 

"Ahh Mr. Adams nice of you to join us."

"Sorry Professor I was in the hospital getting some ointment for my face," Kalen said while glaring at Fred. Fred in returned just smirked back.

"That's okay. We're working in groups but each one is filled up so you can go ahead and Mr. Weasley and the rest of his group over there," he said while pointing to the table in the corner.

"But Professor-"

"Sounds good Professor," Kalen said with a smirk on his face. He made his way over to the table and sat directly across from Natalia. Bella and Elijah shared a concerned look when he sat down. 

"So Nat, what are we doing?" Kalen asked. 

"Her name's Natalia," Fred growled. 

"Fred calm down, it's not gonna help anyone if you two get into another fight," Natalia whispered into Fred's ear through clenched teeth. 

Fred didn't say anything but slowly started moving his hand up Natalia's thigh. He got closer and closer to Lia's panties, playing with the fabric under her skirt. She wore the skirt to tease him but didn't expect to do this in front of the entire fucking class.

"What the fuck are you doing?" She seethed.

Fred didn't say anything once more and continued talking to Parkinson and Adams about the project. He slipped his hand under her panties and started teasing her clit. 

"Lia can you give me that textbook?" Eli asked while pointing to the book next to her.

"Yea-" and with that, Fred slipped his finger inside of her. "Shit."

"You good Lia?" Bella asked. 

"Just peachy," she said with a forced smile. She then turned to Fred and sent him a glare that just made him smirk even more. 

Fred kept pushing in over and over again so hard that Natalia had to balance herself by placing gripping the table with her hands. 

"Is everything going well here?" Flitwick asked checking in on every group.

"Yes Prof- Ohhh," Natalia said when Fred hit her g-spot with one hard thrust. 

"Sorry what was that?" Flitwick asked.

"We're doing great Professor," Fred said with a smile. 

Natalia was so close when class ended and Fred pulled out his fingers and stuck them in his mouth and sucked all her juices. 

"You taste delicious," he whispered into her ear before meeting up with George and going to their other classes. 

"You're lucky no one noticed," Eli teased Natalia. 

"Shut up."


I feel like Fred loves public sex. Just me?

I have a really, really good idea on what to do in the upcoming chapters hehe

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