bonus chapter #2 - ishmael

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p.s. once again not edited because what else do you expect from me?

also enjoy the smut my loves


Fred's POV:

"Absolutely not!" I said to my six year old daughter. There was no way that I was going to let my one and only daughter have a boyfriend. She was way too young for boys.

"But Dad," she whined. "At least let me show you!"

"Fine," I grumbled. I handed her the tv remote before she put on a video on youtube. I was sitting on the couch, my left leg resting on my right thigh waiting for my daughter to show me her so-called boyfriend.

"Look Dad," she said, pointing to the screen. The first thing I saw was the Hollywood sign and then I saw five boys sitting down. I recognized the five of them, they were One Direction. My daughter made me freak out and think that she actually had a boyfriend.

"Munchkin, this is your boyfriend?" I asked, pointing to Harry Styles while laughing.

"No Dad! This is my boyfriend's dad," she said, giggling. Excuse me what?

"Well tell your boyfriend's dad that I'm in love with him," I heard Nat say while she was walking by.

"Excuse me? Even my own wife is betraying me," I cried out.

"I still love you Freddie but it's Harry Styles," she said, pecking my lips.

"Eww Mum keep that to yourself. I don't wanna see you and Dad kissing," Maia said before turning her head back to the tv.

"He's like 50 Nat."

"More like 38 Fred," she said, tapping my shoulder before sitting down next to me. "So what is this I hear about a boyfriend Maia?"

"I met this boy in my school. His name is Ishmael and I even met his dad. He wants to have a playdate with me," Maia said with a smile on her face.

"And as I was saying, absolutely not," I said, my tone definite.

"Oh come on Fred let her go," Natalia said to me before leaning closer and whispering in my ear. "If she goes, we'll be home alone for the first time this month. Nick's at Brandon's for the night."

I groaned before looking back at Maia. "Fine, you can go but I want to talk to his dad before," I said, giving into Maia's pleas and begs.

Natalia's POV:

As much as I love Fred, he needed to loosen up on his overprotectiveness. Maia wasn't actually dating Ishmael, they were just friends. It's not like we all didn't have a boyfriend/girlfriend when we were little.

I was getting ready to take a shower, standing underneath the hot water before I heard Fred come in. We were finally home alone for the first time in over a month. It was hard always being so close to finishing but then having one of your kids need something and interrupt you.

Fred's hands made their way to my chest, slowly massaging my body with the soap and then grabbing the shower head to wash me off. His hands moved lower and lower until I could feel the Fred changing the pressure of the shower head, tilting it to it was at the same level as my pussy.

The water was being shot up into my and my head instantly rolled back into Fred's shoulder. His other hand moved to my nipple, pinching and teasing it, the pleasure spreading throughout my entire body.

"Fuck Fred," I moaned out before biting my lip to stop any more noises from coming out.

"No need to be quiet love. Remember there's no one here," Fred said, whispering into my ear before continuing to get me off with the shower head. Fred's thumb moved from my nipple to my clit, rubbing in slow, sensuous circles making the pleasure feel oh so much better.

All you could hear from the bathroom were my moans mixed with the water falling and Fred's whispering in my ear. I wanted to help Fred relieve some of the tension but he quickly moved my hand away.

"I want to please you right now," he said. "Tonight's all about you my love." Fred kept kissing down the side of my neck and onto my jaw before pulling my hair into a ponytail and keeping my head on his shoulder when I tried to move it.

Before I could even say anything, I felt myself release, the cum running down my legs before Fred used the shower head to wash it off. Fred picked me up and threw me over his shoulder before bringing me back to out bedroom and burying his face in my legs as soon as we landed on the bed.

He licked a long stripe up my pussy before kissing the inside of my thighs. "I missed your taste," Fred hummed against my pussy.

"Did you Fred?" I responded. "Well I missed how you taste even more," I said, flipping us over. I moved so my head was aligned with Fred's dick before taking him in my mouth. I bopped my head up and down, swirling my tongue around the tip of him making him groan.

Fred grabbed my hair before pulling me off of him whispering, "Ride me Nat." I agreed before sinking myself onto him, moving in slow circles. I put my hands on his chest before lifting myself up and down, riding his dick as hard as I could.

Fred sat up so that our chests were touching, my legs wrapped around his waist, this position even closer than we've ever been. The only sounds that filled the air were our moans and panting. The sweat dripping down our bodies from the intensity that was happening.

I could feel myself growing closer, clenching Fred's cock and hearing his growls at the feeling. My nipples grazed against his chest, the subtle, but fierce, causing me to arch my back before Fred placed his hands on my neck, choking me and bringing me into a fervent kiss.

Fred pulled his lips off of mine but took my bottom lip in between his teeth, ripping the skin, allowing blood to seep out before he took my lip back into his mouth, consuming the irony liquid. I grabbed the roots of Fred's hair from the feeling rushing through my body before feeling Fred finish inside of me.

He moved his thumb back to my clit to get me closer to finishing before pulling out and flipping us over, burying his head inside my legs once again. Teasing my clit, the inside of my thighs, and my pussy with his fingers, if he didn't do anything to help relieve the tension, I was gonna take things into my own hands.

"If you don't fuck me or do something Fred, I swear to god I will-" I never finished my sentence before Fred inserted three fingers into me without warning.

"What was that Nat? Did you say something?" he teased. He kept moving in and out, curling his fingers to hit my g-spot. "Such a good slut yeah? Taking three of my fingers?"


Fred held my hips down, preventing me from arching my back out of pleasure. My eyes were rolling to the back of my head before I used my arm to stop the noises from leaving my mouth. I bit down on my arm but as soon as I did that, Fred stopped.

"What- why did you stop?" I cried out. Fuck I was so close.

"I want to hear you love. Don't you dare be quiet," he said before continuing his assault on my pussy. I was so close to finishing before I heard the sound of the door opening.

"Oh my eyes! My eyes!" we heard George scream. He slammed the door shut before I looked at Fred, mortified.

"I swear to fucking god if we get interrupted one more time I'm gonna lose it. It's always me who doesn't get to finish," I practically screamed out. Fred tried to help me finish but George interrupted us again, this time knocking on the door.

"Stop having sex! You two promised you would babysit for us tonight remember?" Fuck. I did promise we would watch Alexys after they watched Maia multiple times when she was a baby.

"I promise we'll finish later Nat," Fred said, chuckling.

"We better," I grumbled.

And fuck, did Fred make up for the interruption.


ty ty ty for 500k my beautiful readers

i wanted to release a bonus chapter as a thank you for being here for me and appreciating my writing

also if you don't know who ishmael is, go search up harry styles ishmael and you'll understand

goodbye for today and see you guys on the next bonus chapter :)

- ms. lube

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