chapter 52 - s h o w m e

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TW: mentions of a drug addiction

A/N: play with my food, play with my tits, no game so the money make me play with my clit (ya know the regular)

p.s. there's a lot of pov changes so make sure you read carefully

once again not edited so please lmk if anything's off


Fred's POV:

Waking up the love of my life was all I've been wishing for the past 6 months and I really really thought that would've happened this morning but just like every other night it's been an empty spot next to me.

Fuck. I shouldn't have done that last night. She skipped out on me again. I thought maybe we could finally talk about everything and she could understand where I was coming from when I broke up with her.

But no. She left again.

I got out of bed not wanting to delay the inevitable when I heard rummaging in the bathroom. The door opened and I saw Natalia step out of it, tying her hair up into a bun while wearing only my t-shirt and nothing else.

"You're awake," she said with a visible smile on her face, making her way to the door. I couldn't respond so all I did was nod.

"Ok well I'm gonna make some breakfast so you can go to the bathroom and do all of your shit and then come out when you're done," Natalia said, opening the door and then walking out.

What the fuck? She stayed. She actually fucking stayed. Thank fucking Merlin she stayed. I could finally talk to her and maybe she would forgive me for the dumb shit I did. I know I fucked up. Really badly.

After brushing my teeth and pissing, I walked out of my room to see Natalia swaying her hips to the music playing in the background while she was making pancakes. I noticed how happy she looked and I loved that. I remember Lee telling me that she hadn't been in a good place ever since we broke up and to see her finally enjoying something just warmed my heart.

I leaned on the wall just watching and admiring her for a good two minutes before she turned around and jumped after seeing me.

"Holy shit you scared me! How long have you been standing there?" Natalia asked, holding her hand up to her heart.

"Long enough Nat," I said with a slight chuckle.

"Why didn't you say anything Fred?" she reprimanded. God I felt like mum was yelling at me all over again.

"You looked happy, I didn't want to disturb that," I explained before grabbing some plates and forks to eat. I put them down on the table and pulled out Natalia's chair so she could sit on it.

I felt like a gentleman.

To be honest I was kind of nervous for today. I didn't know if Natalia would take me back because I broke her hurt and I know that. She deserves so much better than me but I'm way too fucking selfish to let her go.

We finished eating breakfast in comfortable silence with occasional conversation here and there but I just wanted to finish eating so that we could finally talk. I've been waiting more than 6 months to get her to listen to me and here she was, ready to listen to everything I had to say.

"We should talk now Fred," I heard her said.

"Yeah let's go back to my room so we don't wake up George or Lee," I said knowing they were probably too tired from the wedding to have waken up early. We made our way back to my room when we both started talking at the same time.



"Let me go first," I said. I wanted to explain everything to her before she made her decision.

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