chapter 1 - s o r t i n g (*)

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It was finally August, the time for Natalia to leave her home and start school at Hogwarts. From the stories she heard about the school from all the Weasleys, she was actually very excited. 

Something about the way they talked about it got her more and more intrigued with what the school held for her. 

Over the summer, Natalia had gotten close with all the Weasleys, more specifically Fred and George. The three of them were the same age so it made sense for them to get along. 

They involved her in the many pranks they pulled over the summer, even showing her some of their prank ideas for the prank shop they one day hoped to build.  

When Harry finally arrived at the house, Natalia was in joy of finally getting to meet the infamous Harry Potter. To see a girl almost identical to his godfather surprised Harry, not expecting it.

Sirius had kept her a secret for her whole life, only very few people knowing about her. To say the least, Harry was glad to have another person added to his family, thankful that he had someone to call his older sister, even if they weren't blood related. 

It was a chaotic day with everyone trying to pack last minute things to take to Hogwarts but somehow the seven kids arrived at King's Cross Station 30 minutes before the train would leave. 

Sirius tagged along, as well as Molly and Arthur, to say goodbye to their children until Christmas time. Natalia was used to not being around her father but something about it this time just made her feel sadder than normal.

"Stay safe sweetheart," Sirius said, hugging his daughter, placing a kiss on top of her head before she ran through the train wall, arriving at Platform 9 3/4.

Thankfully Natalia and Harry got along well over the summer, otherwise there would be some problems. For only knowing each other for so little time, Natalia was already taking that protective older sister stance, trying to protect Harry in any way especially since he always seemed to get himself in trouble.

While following the twins to find a compartment to sit in, Lia saw Harry sitting all alone and wondered where Hermione and Ron had disappeared to. She didn't want the poor boy to be all alone so she decided to sit with him, rather than Fred and George.

"Hey, I think I'm gonna sit with Harry for the train ride," Natalia said, getting Fred and George's attention. She had met their other best friend, Lee Jordan, and the two of them instantly clicked.

"Why, are we just that boring?" Fred and George simultaneously teased. They always said the same thing, in the exact same voice and Natalia got annoyed every single time.

"No you idiots. Harry's sitting all alone cause Ron and Hermione are  busy doing Prefect things," Natalia explained. "I didn't want him to spend the entire train ride with no one."

"Fine, fine. But you better come visit us at some point," Fred replied. For some reason he felt of when Natalia said she'd rather sit with Harry. He wanted her to sit with them.

"Of course, bye boys."

Natalia made her way to Harry's compartment and opened the door and sat across from him.

"Why aren't you sitting with Fred and George?" Harry asked, wondering why Natalia was sitting with him. He always thought she preferred the twins over him so he was very confused. 

"You looked lonely so I thought I'd sit with you, the twins can handle a few hours without me," Lia said while smirking.

Natalia and Harry talked for a while but when Harry fell asleep, she left the cabin, walking back over to Fred and George to talk to them until they finally arrived at Hogwarts. 


The train had finally gotten to Hogwarts and when Natalia stepped out, she was astonished. The castle was completely lit up, making it look like stars in the night sky. 

There were carriages for each group of people, some weird creature standing in front of them, as if they were leading the carriages.

"What are those?" Harry asked, walking closer to the animal. 

"What are you talking about Harry?" Hermione asked, looking at him like he was crazy.

"No I see them too," Natalia interrupted, wondering what it was.

"Those are thestrals," a girl said, her voice quiet and fragile. "I'm Luna Lovegood."

"I'm Natalia Edwards-Black," Natalia said. "What are thestrals?"

"Luna are you sure you're okay? These carriages have been drawn on their own with magic since our first year. Maybe you three are just imagining things," Ron said.

Natalia pondered what they could be. What did the three of them have in common so only they could see it?

Her thoughts were interrupted when they had finally got to the castle and they entered the Great Hall. She was about to step inside when she was pulled aside by a woman, one of the professors.

"Good evening Ms. Edwards," the professor said, talking to her quietly. "My name is Professor McGonagall."

"Good evening Professor. I don't mean to be rude but would it be okay if you called me Ms. Black? I don't want to hide that part of me," she explained, not caring about whether people judged her or not. 

"No problem Ms. Black. Now I pulled you over because as every student does, you need to be sorted. There are four houses, Slytherin, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw. We will place the Sorting Hat on your head and it will then decide what house fits you," McGonagall explained as quickly as possible to not delay the sorting.

Natalia was scared for sorting if she was being honest. She wanted to be in Gryffindor like her father and her friends but she didn't know if that would happen. 

She had heard that Slytherin was the one house that they hated but she never understood why. They might have bad people in it but that didn't mean everyone was evil. I mean Draco Malfoy was her cousin, but that didn't mean the two of them were any similar.

In the middle of her contemplation, Natalia's name was called up, McGonagall placing the Sorting Hat on her head.

"Oh this one's interesting. Natalia Edwards-Black yes. Sad I didn't get to sort you when you were a mere 11 year old." 

"Your father Sirius was different than his family, he was a Gryffindor. However the rest of your family were Slytherins."

"Gryffindor could work but I don't think it's the right fit. There's got to be a better one."

"Better be..."



I probably won't have an author's note for most chapters but this is the first real chapter! It's kinda short because most of it was just introductions and stuff but enjoy!

I'm gonna try to upload around one chapter each day or every other day but since school is starting again soon I might not stick to my schedule strictly.

a/n (12/20):

hello ma cheries! here's an author's note from future me lolol... this chapter has been edited for future readers or re-readers! so if there's slightly different things that's why!

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