chapter 6 - a n g e l s & d e v i l s

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A few weeks had passed since the almost-kiss and it was now the beginning of October. Fred and Natalia decided to pretend it didn't happen. This wasn't a mutual decision but seeing as neither of them brought it up, they decided to forget it. 

All of the students gathered in the Great Hall for dinner. Dumbledore was waiting for everyone to finish eating before making his important announcement. 

Everyone had finally finished when Dumbledore stepped up to his podium to start his speech.

"Good evening everyone! Now I have a very important announcement that I think many of you will be fond of." 

Natalia was interested in what Dumbledore had to say. He rarely every made speeches during dinner.

"As you know last year due to the Triwizard Tournament, we hosted a Yule Ball for student in 4th year and up. We saw what a major hit it was and this year we decided to have something similar."

Everyone in the hall started cheering especially the older students. Natalia had no idea what the Yule Ball was but after seeing everyone's reaction, she assumed it was something good. 

"Instead of it being during Christmas time this year, we decided to have a Halloween Party. To make it fun for everyone, we decided to split up the years in half. 4th years and up will be having their own party in the Great Hall and 1-3rd years will have the opportunity of having mini parties in their respective common rooms."

"Hell fucking yes!" Natalia heard the twins shout.

Natalia was excited as well. I mean she didn't think that anyone really celebrated Halloween especially in the UK. Halloween was always her favorite holiday and everyone would always make fun of her for it but she didn't care. 

The idea of dressing as someone else and getting to be a different person for a day intrigued her. Her dad was also someone who extremely loved Halloween and she loved bonding with him over their shareed favorite holiday. 

"Guys we should do a group costume," Adrian suggested.

"Hell yes!" Tori replied.

"Does anyone have any ideas?" Marcus asked.

"Oooh we could do angels and devils. Two of us can be angels and the other two could be devils," Natalia said.

"That's a good idea, Lia and I can be devils and Tori and Marcus, you two can be angels?" 

"Sounds good to us!" Tori and Marcus replied. 

"Yay I'm so excited!"


"Hey you guys go ahead I'll meet you at the common room in a few minutes," Fred told his twin and his best friend. 

He ran up to where Natalia was sitting to ask her a question.

"Hey Nat can I talk to you real quick?"

"Yea of course," she then turned to her friends and said, "Hey guys I'll meet you at the common room."

"What's up Freddie?"

"So I was wondering if for the Halloween Party you maybe wanted to do like a group costume with me? If not it's totally fine but I was just wondering."

"Fuck Fred, I wish I could but I had already told Tori, Adrian, and Marcus that I would do a group costume with them," Lia said with a frown on her face. Had she known that Fred was gonna ask her she would've instantly said no to her other friends.

"Oh it's okay, had I known I wouldn't have asked haha," Fred said with a hint of disappointment in his voice.  

"Fuck I feel really bad Fred."

"No it's fine-"

"How about if I promise to save you a dance?"

"Yeah that actually sounds great," Fred said with a slight smile on his face. 

"Sounds good Freddie."

"We should probably head back, you know don't wanna break curfew and shit."

"Yea we should." Natalia was about to turn around but she quickly stopped and gave Fred a tiny kiss on his cheek before leaving. 

"Did I really just do that?" Natalia thought.

"Did she really just do that?" Freddie said in his head.

"Bloody hell though that was amazing," they both thought. 


"Bloody hell why do you look so happy?"

"What do you want Draco?"

"I'm just asking a question dear cousin. Anyways, is it that Weasel boy?"

"First of all it's Weasley, second of all what are you talking about?"

"Lia it's so obvious the way you both look at each other, you're practically in love with each other and the only people who can't see that are you and Weasley."

"I thought you hated the Weasleys, why are you being so nice?"

"I do hate them but if he makes you happy, then I can tolerate them." (A/N I literally love soft Draco and no one can fight me on this).

"You're really not as bad as everyone makes you out to be, why do you put up such a tough front?"

"My father. He makes me act like nothing affects me and he always told me not to take shit from other people."

"You don't always have to act like you have no emotions Draco," Lia said sweetly.

"I've already built up this reputation of being an asshole who doesn't give a fuck about anything so why should I change it now?"

"Because if you don't Draco, you're gonna regret it. You don't have to apologize or anything just try to be nicer at least. Try not to lash out so easily. If you want I can help you."

"You would be willing to help me? Why?"

"Like you said, we're family," Natalia said with a smile. 


Fred was all giddy when he arrived at the Gryffindor common room. He couldn't wait to tell his  brother about what had just happened. 

"Hey do you guys know where George is?" Fred asked to his little brother and his two friends who were playing a game of Wizard's Chess.

"Last we saw he was with Angelina but I'm not sure, you could try asking Lee," Hermione said. 

"Thanks Mione."

Fred ran upstairs to his dorm to try and find Lee to ask him where George was.  

"Hey Lee have you seen-Holy Shit." Fred instantly shut the door and ran back downstairs.

He probably should've knocked on the door before he opened it.


surprise motherfuckers (shawty)

I should be doing homework right now but I was in the zone and I ended up writing this chapter and the next one!

also because I left y'all on a cliffhanger I'll try and post tomorrow morning to make it so you guys don't wait that long 

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