chapter 15 - l i e s

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TW: Slight sexual assault (unconsented kiss)

Weeks had gone by and Fred and Natalia's was relationship was getting stronger every day. The two would always be together whenever they could and Lia noticed that Fred was a very touchy person. Anywhere they went somewhere Fred found a way to always be touching her, whether it was holding her hand or throwing his arm over her shoulder, he was always there.

Natalia loved Fred. She was sure of it but she didn't know how to tell him. The only problem was she had been lying to him for weeks. She told him that she wouldn't spend time with Kalen alone but she lied.

Kalen had been tutoring Natalia 2-3 days a week in Herbology. Natalia was practically failing that class but she only knew Kalen in that class so she had no other option. She knew she had to tell him but if she did he would be fucking pissed.

She decided she would tell him today after she had met with Kalen to study for Herbology. She couldn't bear to lie to him anymore. Lia only saw him as a best friend and knew she would never cheat on him and believed that he wouldn't either.

Kalen's POV:

Today's the day. I'm finally going to tell her how I feel. At first I saw her as my friend, then my best friend, and now I'm fucking falling for her.

It wasn't my intention for this to happen but if I don't tell her, I would hate myself. And I know she has a boyfriend, fucking Fred Weasley, but I don't give a flying fuck about him. He can suck my dick for all I care.

Everywhere I see them he's always touching her. His hands are always somewhere on her body and I just fucking wish that was me. Every time I see him I just wanna punch him in the fucking face.

I know she's been lying to him about our meetings, doesn't that mean she has to reciprocate the same feelings? If she didn't why the fuck would she lie?

I know he's been getting suspicious of me, I can feel it. Whenever we're not studying together, he always finds some way to pop up whenever I'm around her.

She's just perfect. Everything about her is amazing. Her long hair, her tits, and don't even get me started on her ass. It's fucking perfect.

I was willing to do anything to get her to break up with Fred.

She will be mine, I promise you that Fred Weasley.

Third Person POV:

Natalia had told Fred that she was going to go study in the library and quickly left. She spotted Kalen sitting at their table and waved hi.

The two had studied for about an hour or so when Kalen decided he was gonna tell her. It was either now or never.

"I need to tell you something."

"Yeah sure what's up Kal?" Lia said with a smile.

"I don't know how to tell you this so I'm just gonna say everything and you can respond after I'm done." Natalia nodded and allowed Kalen to continue speaking.

"I like you. I've liked you for a while now and I know you're dating Fred but I needed to get this off my chest before you fucking confess your love to him or some shit," Kalen confessed.


"Let me finish. I didn't want to fall for you but we've been getting closer since I started tutoring you and I know you haven't told Fred about these tutoring sessions so I assumed that you also have some conflicted feelings towards me. Please tell me that I'm fucking right and I didn't overthink this."

"Fuck Kal you said you didn't like me like that when I asked you weeks ago. I'm sorry but I don't feel that way about you. You're one of my best friends and I li- I'm in love with Fred."

"You're fucking kidding right?"

"No I'm not kidding Kal I've been dating him for a while now what did you expect?."

"Then why didn't you tell him about me tutoring you?" Kalen asked.

"Because you told me there was nothing to worry about, you didn't like me and also because Fred doesn't like you. He thought you wanted to get in my pants and I told him that we were just friends but I guess I was fucking wrong."

"You're telling me you feel absolutely nothing towards me?"

"I'm sorry Kalen I really don't."

"Just let me kiss you, maybe if I kiss you you'll feel something," Kalen said while getting closer to Natalia.

"No Kalen what the fuck? Sto-" and before Natalia could finish her sentence, Kalen smashed his lips onto hers. Natalia didn't respond at first, confused with what just happened but as soon as she realized, she pushed him off of her. What she didn't realize was that Fred was planning to surprise her with flowers and a date standing at the front of the library.

His face instantly dropped when he saw what happened and he looked absolutely heartbroken. Fred dropped the flowers in the trash can as he was making his way back to his room.

"Fuck I swear to god fucking stay away from me Kalen," she said getting her stuff to run after Fred.

Natalia looked everywhere. He wasn't in the Gryffindor common room, he wasn't in his room, he wasn't anywhere. She knew the only way to find him was to ask Harry if she could borrow the Marauder's Map. Lia had known all about it because her dad and uncle were one of the creators of it.

She had found Harry sitting in the common room talking to Ginny.

"Harry I need the Marauder's Map."


"I'll explain later just please give it to me," she said, her voice cracking through her words.

"Yea it's in my room I'll go get it."

Harry had come back from his room with the map in hand and handed it to Lia. She muttered "I solemnly swear I am up to no good," and the map revealed itself. As soon as she opened it, she knew exactly where Fred was and she was making her way to him. 

(I feel like this song perfectly sums up Fred's POV when he saw Kalen and Natalia together.)


I'm sorry. Trust the process lovelies.

Also my friend is writing her first fanfic! It would mean a lot if you guys would check it out! It's not a Harry Potter fanfic but it'll still be really good. It's about Brandon Arreaga from PRETTYMUCH and Louis Partridge! Even if you don't like either of them you should still give it a read for my comments! They'll probably be 100 times better than the story (jk jk jk

 It's about Brandon Arreaga from PRETTYMUCH and Louis Partridge! Even if you don't like either of them you should still give it a read for my comments! They'll probably be 100 times better than the story (jk jk jk

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