chapter 2- Hell on earth

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Phil's p.o.v

Science was now over and I was walking to form with a small smile on my face.

Who'd of known I could actually make a friend; there was someone who would actually talk to me.

My smile grew at the thought of me and Chris becoming friends.

My happiness vanished as soon as I stepped into form.

Lost in thought, I managed to trip as soon as I walked past the door and the few papers I was holding went flying threw the air.

The entire class burst into laughter and I clenched my lip between my teeth so hard it began to bleed as I tried desperately hard not to break down into tears.

I collected everything as quickly as possible and rushed to my seat, feeling everyones gaze still fixed on me.

I lowered my ears and wrapped my tail around me once again and tried to steady my breathing.

I began messing with the tip of my tail under the table in an attempt to sooth myself and calm down faster

"Idiot why can't you do anything right" I mumbled to myself in a hushed whisper so no one around could hear.

Form was over after another 10 minutes and I was free, from one kind of hell at least .

I had half an hour to myself on my treacherous walk to the hell I'm forced to call home.

My journey was spent hoping dad was passed out again or out at the bar.

I had managed to escaped the bullies today so if I can escape him too I might be clean for a day.

I was now walking to my front door and petrified to enter; the same emotion I experienced on a daily basis.

When stepping in it was silent except for the few snores echoing through our small house.

I internally signed before fully stepping in and shutting the door as quietly as I could.

I took a small step backwards and stepped right on one of the neglected chucks of the glass bottle I was hit with last night causing it to shatter and crunch under my weight.

"No,no. Please no" I mumbled to myself, hearing the snores instantly silence.

I was quickly becoming distraught and  I froze as I could hear my him begin to get up and heavy footsteps heading towards the hallway I was stood in.

Once I had managed to snap out if my shocked state, I began to sprint up the stairs as fast as my legs could carry me but it was two late.

A step or two away from the top, my father grabbed my tail and pulled me backwards, my entire body falling with it.

I hit my head on the end of a step, instantly feeling blood trickle out of a past wound on my scalp, and continued to hit below too, my father still dragging me.

Through excruciating pain, I still tried to escape from his tightening grip but It was no use.

Once he had me there was nothing I could do.

The fact that I had woke him would only make the situation that much worse and I could practically feel the anger radiating off of him.

There was no escaping what's about to come.

Last time he was this bad I hadn't been allowed  to leave the house for a week, him too scared of discovery.

The way this seems, I won't be able to go school tomorrow.


I'm sorry this is so short but I really needed an update on it and its 22:12 so I'm exhausted. I'll try and update this soon and hopefully there will be some updates on my other story in the near future. Bye

-Chloe out

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