Chapter 10- Not again

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Phil's P.O.V

Me and Dan split up to head to our different class rooms when we got to my locker, not before he gave me a gentle kiss on my forehead, and I am now waiting outside my science classroom, early for a change.

"Hey." I heard Chris's voice behind me speak and when I turned around he had a smug look on his face.

"Heard a rumour about you and that popular kid. Is it really true? Are you really going out with him?" He questioned with a small squeal at the end.

"Wow your such a fan-boy. Yes It's true." I stated receiving a glare for my 'insult'.

Me and Chris have been talking quite a bit lately, whenever we weren't talking in school we seemed to be messaging each other, and because of that we have became pretty close.

"Sooo... When do I get to meet him? You need my approval for this relationship to continue you know, and It's a best friends job to make sure that there friends boyfriends are good enough for them." He said in a jokingly serious tone with a smirk.

I let out a small chuckle at his comment, realizing how much he treated me as a younger brother.

"Yeah,yeah. Whatever. You can meet him at break or lunch if you'd like." I said and watched as his grin intensified and he nodded his head rapidly.

That was the moment our teacher decided to make an appearance and I couldn't help but laugh at the strange look she gave Chris but shut up when she shot me her usual 'go-die' glare.

"Seems you finally decided to show up for my class on time today Phil." Mrs smith said to me in a vicious voice not caring about the daggers Chris was most likely stabbing her with in his mind.

I swear if looks could kill.

"Yes Mrs." I replied not really in the mood to argue.

I was still on cloud 9 after the events from last night and this morning so I won't let a bitchy teacher ,with a stick up her ass, spoil my mood.

Me and Chris took our usual spots and instead of listening, like always, we talked throughout the whole lesson and today the topic was Dan.

When second period came around I was more excited than I really should have been.

Just one more hour until Chris meets Dan, I hope he likes him.

"Come on Phil, hurry up. I want to meet Dan." Chris shouted the moment the bell went, dragging me out of my seat.

"Okay. Lets go!"  I squealed eagerly.

We both quite literally ran to were me and Dan had agreed to meet and the amused, cocky look on his face instantly made me regret it.

Both ,Chris and me were panting, red-faced, and slightly bent over in front of that satisfied looking boyfriend of mine.

"Miss me?" He questioned cockily which earned a chuckle from Chris but a scowl from me.

"So, Who's this?" He smiled changing the subject and walking over to me, planting a soft peck on my forehead.

"He's my best friend, Chris. He claimed he needed to make sure you deserved me." I said sending a mischievous smirk to Chris who gulped.

Dan had a lot more height than us and although Chris was taller than me by a good few inches Dan still managed to tower of him.

"Oh is that right?" I could hear Dan chuckle whilst pulling me into a gentle embrace I immediately accepted.

"Yep." I answered again loving how nervous Chris was getting.

"Stop using me to intimidate your friends." Dan scolded me in a joking tone and I seen Chris relax a little.

"Look what you did. He's not as scared any more." I pouted receiving a chuckle from the two.

"So Chris, I'm Dan. Phil's boyfriend if you haven't already guessed." He introduced himself friendlily.

I noticed Chris give me a look similar to what I gave him earlier before saying "I know, He won't stop talking about you."

"Not true." I interrupted him, again pouting and slightly embarrassed.

"He won't stop saying how kind, sweet, funny, sexy and most of all great his new boyfriend is. It's really starting to get on my nerves." He joked and laughed as I dug my flaming cheeks further into Dan's chest.

"Aww, did you really say that about me?" He asked stroking my right ear earning a purr.

"Not exactly. He kept asking stupid questions and they were just some of the answers." I stated realising I had dug myself a deeper hole right after saying that.

oh god.

I really regret letting them meet each other already.

                ~end of school day~

When the school day was over, and Dan had walked me to the school bus stop and left, not before stealing a few kisses, I realised what hell I was going to get.

I hadn't seen my dad for 2 days or contacted him.

Granted the fact that he broke my phone in one of his rage attacks three days ago, I'm not to blame with the lack of contact but not coming home was all on me.

I inhaled deeply and tried to supress the terrified shudders running up my body.

What am I meant to do?

Is there any way to escape?

questions like these ran through my mind all throughout my journey home which was far to short for my liking.

When I hoped off the bus I gave a longing look behind me before inhaling sharply and dragging my feet home.

I was walking almost impossibly slow and ,after the love I've received over the past two days, I knew I wasn't ready to go back.

By the time I had reached the front door my hands were shaking wildly and a lump in my throat had already formed.

I can't do this.

I don't think I can take it tonight.

My whole body was refusing to move and my arm was aching as I forced it into getting my keys.

The second the lock clicked I stopped breathing, It was like I didn't know how to, and I could practically feel my heart trying to leap out of my chest.

Not again.

I can't take this again.

"Phil. Can you come here for a moment?" The sickly sweet voice of my father echoed.

I gulped before slowly shutting the door and heading up.

I made sure to never lock the door for those few times I had to leave after his beatings were particularly harsh and I had a sinking feeling this would be one of those times.

When I got up the stairs and to my fathers room I felt my face pale.

I can't do this.

I won't be able to handle this tonight.


Yay chapter over! I hope you enjoyed it and remember that I love to see peoples comments hint hint. Any way, on to the next one. Honestly, right now I should be practising for an English mock exam but oh well. Next one will be up next week so yeah.


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