chapter 15- Clueless

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Dan's P.O.V

A few days past by with us just relaxing and enjoying each others company until Phil started to act strange.

It was like he had somthing to say but he wouldn't say it.

i didn't really think too much on it but when it came dinner time and Phil was still acting overly flustered around me, I gave in.

"Okay Phil, spill it. What's wrong?" I said in a demanding tone.

He began to open then shut his mouth over and over, trying to come out with what was wrong, kind of resembeling a fish.

After a few minuits he seemed to give up at let aout a meek "Nothing." but his scarlett cheeks told me otherwise.

"That's bull. You haven't looked at me properly all day and every time I try to talk to you you look like you want to say somthing, turn bright red, then leave!" I said in a raised voice starting to feel annoyed.

If somthing is wrong with him he should just come out and tell me.

"I said it was nothing!"  he exclaimed in a similarly angered tone.

"Why are you acting like that then?""

"I'm not!"

"You are!"

"I just think that- that well we...." He said beggining with a loud shout but his voice betrayed him part way through.

"You think that we what?" I asked in a much gentler tone that earlier.

"Nothing." He sighed giving up again.

"Phil!" I yelled really begining to loose my temper.

Why can't he just tell me?

"Well it's just that, Well you know, We are boyfriends and all so- so I though that we- we should go on... adate." He squeeked out in an awkward voice rushing out the ending.

" A what?" I questioned not quite catching the ending.

"I think we should go on a date." He announced in a scared, rushed tone with his eyes squeezed shut.

His ears were firmly pressed to his head and his tail was practically verticle because of how stiff it was and I couldn't help but chuckle.

"Is that really what all this is about?" I laughed and watched his curious look as he allowed his eyes to re-open. He was doing the same cute thing with his head as he always does and he instantly seemed more relaxed.

When my laughter began to subside I brought my gaze up and looked at his cute expression again and felt my my heart melt.

He really was clueless.  

"Of course I'll take you out on a date. There's no need to act so nervouse about asking me; I am your boyfriend after all so it's not exactly like I can say no." I claimed sincerly, trying to make him see my point.

"So is that a yes?" He mummbled in a small yet cheerfull voice.


"Yes Phil. It's a yes."

"Yay!" He yelled excitedly, doing a small dance with his eyes shut.

""Your such a weirdo." I smirked.

"Yeah, but I'm your weirdo."

Later that day I was ready to take Phil out on our date.

I had called Chris a little after Phil had asked me and aksed him to help set everything up since I couldn't exactly leave Phil.

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