Chapter 19- His return

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Phil's P.O.V

"Come on Dan, get up. It's almost 12." I whispered in a husky morning voice and giving him a light shake.

He made a strangled groan and began to mutter some inaudible words before rolling closer to me and pulling me into his chest.

" Dan." I said in a more awake, stricter tone.

" 'M comfy." He slurred with tiredness evident in his voice.

I tried to move out of his grip feeling myself grow tired again from the comforting warmth but each time I moved it tightened.

"D-Dan, we have to get up." I mumbled into his chest with my eyes reclosing once again.

"10 more minuets."  He whispered sounding rather convincing.

"Fine." I sighed sleepily, allowing myself to snuggle into his chest and doze back off.

I woke up to loud banging on our front door and I could feel Dan begin to stir next to me.

I slowly got up, steadying myself as a short wave of dizziness hit me, and went to the door In a confused daze.

When I opened it I seen Chris stood their in a black leather jacket wearing a smug expression.

"So what have you been doing today?" He smirked, ruffling my messy bed head and letting out a silent awe as I tilted my head slightly and lowered one ear.

"It's like three O'clock now you know." He stated, the shock waking me right up.

"Dan!" I yelled, my voice echoing across the house.

I watched as he came stumbling down the stairs with a confused expression plastered on his face.

"You said 10 more minuets." I exclaimed in annoyance.

"Yeah... so?" He questioned more awake but just as confused.

"It's now three O'clock!"

"Oh, shit. sorry. I didn't think we'd sleep for that long." He said in a calm voice walking closer to me and Chris.

"Yeah, well we've now wasted most of the day so what do you have to say about that?" I asked, slightly less annoyed but sill regretting missing half of the day.

Dan carried on walking until he was behind me where he wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head on  top of mine.

"I'm sorry." He mumbled only just loud enough for me to hear.

His touch made my brain turn to mush and I could feel myself nodding in forgivness without my own consent.

Stupid Dan.

"Awww, you guys are so cute." He squealed, reminding us of his presence.

Dan reluctantly let go of my waist and stepped to the side, still unnecessarily close.

"So Chris, how come your here?" I asked breaking the silence slowly filling the room.

"I was really bored and so thought I should stop by to hang out. I glad I stopped you two from sleeping the day away." He said cheekily.

"Yeah, yeah whatever. What do you want to do?" Dan replied sarcastically.

"Anything really. We should probably start by shutting the door, It's now freezing in here." Chris said before moving to shut the door and preventing any more of the  icy wind from blowing into the house.

We all walked over to the couch and sat down, Dan switching the TV on as he walked past.

We talked for about half an hour about anything and everything with the low hum of the television in the background before Chris suggested that we go out somewhere.

"So where do you want to go?" I asked as we all got our shoes on.

"I don't know. Starbucks?" He suggested to which we all agreed.

We all left, heading to town, and continuing our previous conversations until we arrived.

"Phil, can you go and get some seats?" Dan asked sweetly.

"Sure, can you order mine?" I asked before receiving a nod and heading off to go and find us all some seats.

Not five minuets later both Dan and Chris returned, Chris holding a vanilla hot chocolate and Dan, two pumpkin spice latte.

"Thanks." I smiled as he passed me my drink.

Dan took the seat next to me, shuffling it closer to mine, and Chris sat opposite us.

As we began to talk Dan purposefully brushed his right hand over mine and I timidly took a hold of it on his third hint.

I watched as his smile grew slightly wider as he spoke.

About an hour later Chris's phone started to beep, signalling his new message.

"Sorry guys, I have to get going." He apologised after reading.

"It's fine. See you in school tomorrow." I smiled happily, waving him goodbye.

"Yeah, see you tomorrow." Dan added.

"Bye guys." He said once again before leaving.

"We should probably get going as well." I suggested a few minuets later.

"Yeah, we should." Dan agreed.

With that we both stood up, hands still entwined, and left, putting our cups in the bin we walked past buy the door.

"I've loved today." I sighed happily as I slumped myself onto the couch.

"Me too."  He agreed, switching the TV on before taking his place next to me.

I scooted down the couch and rested my head on Dan's chest, wrapping my arms around his waist.

He then wrapped his own arms around me as I began to pay attention to the 9 O'clock news.

"Breaking news. A prisoner has escaped and is now roaming loose on the streets. His name is Ashton Lester and he looks like this."

An image of my father popped up on the screen popped up and I continues to watch in silent fear.

" If anyone sees this criminal call the police immediately. Thank you." The reporter woman spoke in a serious voice before moving on to the next news story.

"He's back." I whispered, terrified to Dan who just held me tighter trying to stop my shaking but to no avail.

Nothing could calm me down after what I just heard.

I'm dead.


I wasn't going to bring him back but then someone mentioned that that is what they thought was going to happen and I got an amazing idea of how to write the rest of the story starting form it. So I guess the evil father has returned. Is this chapter any good or?... because I personally didn't like it. Another thing is I can't remember the times I said that I would be uploading in between and so I think this might be out a little bit to early. If anyone remembers which chapters description I wrote it in it would be a big help, thank you. Other than that there isn't really much else to say besides thanks for reading and bye bye.


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