Chapter 37- movie morning

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(smut warning)

Dan's P.O.V

"Thanks." I whispered sincerely as I took a hold of his left wrist.

Before lifting the sleeve, I lowered my head and planted a small kiss on the back of his hand. After that action, I felt his hand relax a little, but he still wasn't calm by any means.

I took the cuff of his sleeve and rolled it back as gently as I could, afraid I might hurt him. The more I pushed back, the more cuts I found, there looked to be hundreds scattered from the tip of his wrist all the way to the back of his forearm.

When I looked back up to meet his eye, I noticed that he had turned his head and was looking away.

Once again, I lowered my head and began to place feather-like kisses upon his arm. I noticed a movement above and could feel his eyes on me.

Once I got to the last of the cuts, I raised my head once more. We both looked at each other in silence for a moment before I leaned forward and pecked his cheek. I could see his previously fading blush darken and a small smile finally form on his lips.

"I think you're fine, but remember I'm always here. Can you please try to talk to me?" I asked, trying to reassure both him and myself.

He responded in a small, noiseless nod, still not looking away.

I, too, fell victim to his complex blue eyes. I stared into them and watched as waves of color brightened and darkened them.

He had swirls of green and speckles of grey scattered across the master piece, something someone wouldn't usually notice unless they were as close up as I currently am. In fact, I couldn't remember being this close to him a moment ago.

It seemed as if he was moving closer. Snapping out of my trance, I realized he was, so I did too. It was the first time he had ever initiated a kiss and that thought by itself dusted my cheeks.

Our lips connected and he shut his eyes, me following shortly after, and we both got lost in the sensation.

Our make-out session lasted for several minutes before we both pulled away.

He was panting and his face looked beat red and I felt like I was in the same condition. Once we had caught our breath again I was the first to speak.

"Do you feel okay now? Do you think you'll be able to stand?" I asked, hoping he'd say yes.

"Yeah, I feel fine now." He responded with a bright smile.

"Good." I told him, glad he was no longer in pain.

"So, what do you want to do?" I asked him.

"I don't know; I don't want to do much today." He told me, giving me a clue to what he actually wanted. He really is awful at just telling me what he wants.

"So do you want to have a movie day?" I asked him, knowing his upcoming response.

"Yes." He squealed excitedly.

"Okay then." I said, getting up to go and look through my collection of movies.

I didn't have a lot, but to Phil, I had every film under the sun. Every time he went to choose he'd get stuck on at least twenty and blame it on the amount I had.

I pulled out a decent-sized stack and placed them on the bed next to Phil.  His eyes lit up at the sight and his hand instantly reached for the top film.

"I want this one." He told me with a wide grin.

"Are you sure? You've not even looked at the others." I told him, a grin also playing on my lips after seeing his choice. He nods and hands me the film.

"Okay." I told him, walking over to the DVD player and putting his choice in.

He had chosen "Finding Nemo"—one of his favorites—and, as we sat, he laughed all the way through. Part way through the ending of the film he snuggled into my chest and buried his face into my neck.

During the closing of "Finding Nemo", I reluctantly went to stand again, but was held down by Phil.

"I need to get up to put the next one on." I told him in a hushed voice.

"Don't. Stay here with me." He told me just as quietly. I gave a brief nod before wrapping my arms around his waist and allowing myself to get comfy again.

Just moments later he raised his head, biting his lip, and raised himself with the hand on the other side of my head and rested partly on the arm on the other side.

"Are you okay?" I asked him, curious.

He gave a small, nervous nod before taking a deep breath and leaning down to lock his lips with my own. For a moment, I was confused, still not used to him being the one to begin anything, but I soon realized what was happening and took the lead.

He put up more of a fight than usual, but it didn't take long until I was invading his mouth with my tongue and his breath was heavy.

The room was quiet and our pants were the only thing creating any noise. The more we continued, the more control I felt slip.

I flipped us both over and was now the one on top leaning over.

His hands wouldn't stay still. They started wrapped around my neck, then travelled down to my top and continued down until he slipped them under and I felt his hands roaming my bare skin.

I could feel myself begin to grow hard and my skin tingle at his touch but tried to will it away: I didn't want him to feel pressure to do anything.

He was only just beginning to recover. As much as I didn't want to, I broke the kiss and pulled away.

"We need to stop." I told him, not looking into his eyes. I was now sat on my knees and trying my best to cover myself but it wasn't working so well.

"Why?" He panted, still lying down, but I could feel his eyes on me as I continued to look away from him.


Hey guys, I'm sorry I didn't update last week but I've had no motivation to write for the past five and I managed to run out of back up chapters I had wrote in advance. Also thank you @writtinggirl22 for managing to proof read my work after I only gave you two days notice, It really helps. My question this week is what is your most precious thing in the world? Mine would have to be my pups-Jake and Percy. Anyway, that's all for this week and I'll defiantly update next week. Bye bye

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