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◎ 𝓟𝓪𝓬𝓴 𝓡𝓮𝓾𝓷𝓲𝓽𝓮𝓭 ◎

A black wolf came leaping over the rocks. It's paws making faint tapping noises as it made its way towards the centre of the clearing where Kate Argent stood. The ex huntress growled at the wolf making its eyes shine a supernatural steel blue. Eyes Brooklyn would recognise anywhere.

It was her father.

Derek was alive.

He lunged at Kate, tackling her down to the floor underneath his black, fury body. Brooke watched with wide eyes but a gleeful smile on her face as he bit and clawed at the woman, her screams sounding in the dark night.

As Derek got off her and snarled at her she made a lame attempt to crawl away. Her shocked face, turned back to the Hale boy however, as he transformed back from the black wolf into his normal human self. Brooklyn's whole face lit up, so overjoyed that she hadn't lost her father. A few happy tears escaping her eyes as she did a quick scan of his face for surety. He wasn't dead. Again.

But he was stark naked.

"You were... you were dead." Kate whispered out in shock. Her body still slumped on the ground where she'd been attacked.

"No." Derek replied, "I was evolving. Something you'll never do." A berserker then came straight for him but the werewolf simply grabbed ahold of it skull mask and used his newfound strength to tear it in two and make the whole creature explode into nothing.

Kate struggled to scramble away. Her feet fumbling as she tried to run away from the Hale boy until Argent shot at her. His bullet filled with yellow wolfsbane made her fall straight back down to the dusty floor. "Chris?" she whimpered, her eyes finding her injured brother before she lept back up. This time she did manage to make her exit, holding onto her bullet wound as she went. Though, Chris was hot on her heels.

As soon as her father had been leant some clothes by the Calaveras Brooke didn't waste anytime and ran straight for him. She embraced him tightly, never wanting to let go. However, when she did she smacked his chest and pointed an accusing finger at his face. "You can't die on me, then come back to life like that." she scolded him.

Derek simply chuckled at her. "I'm a Hale. I'm a survivor." he quoted her from many day ago.

Brooklyn scowled at him but pulled him into another hug, resting her head on his chest. "I love you, you asshole."

"I love you too, Brooks."

❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

The very second Brooke's chocolate eyes caught sight of the Hispanic boy emerging from the ruined church she was racing towards him. Every single part of her soul happy and okay now that she could see he was safe as well. Both her boys were safe.

Scott caught her up in his arms, the two of them holding on for dear life. Brooklyn pulled back a little to study the McCall boy. Any injury he supposedly had was healed, only a few specks of blood spotted his skin, dirt and dust coating the majority of his clothes and body.

He was okay.

He was in her arms again.

He was okay.

Everyone she loved was okay.

The McCall boy took the opportunity to look over the girl too. Her face had tear marks, all round her eyes were red and puffy, she was covered in dirt as well and her hair was a little wild. But she was still beautiful to him.

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