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✪ 𝓚𝓲𝓷𝓭 𝓞𝓯 𝓦𝓸𝔀 ✪

It was dark out now and Stiles had still made no progress on the jeep. Brooke drew the jacket she had been given closer to her body as a breeze blew past. She hadn't been tortured in particularly warm clothes.

"Work faster, Stiles." Malia commanded, eyes scanning the terrain around them. Stiles' head snapped to her, a look of disbelief on his face. "There's something out here with us." the werecoyote informed him, the boy instantly understanding.

"Lydia," Stiles complained, "could you please hold the light still for a second? It's really hard to see anything when you're shaking it like that." He was sat on one part of the jeep as he worked with another, Lydia holding a flashlight for him to see.

"I'm shaking it like this because we're in the middle of nowhere with your broken down jeep and we're being attacked by yet another razor-clawed monster. And I'm terrified." She shot back.

"Well, just be slightly less terrified." Stiles told her, glancing at the strawberry blond for a second before his focus went back to the jeep. "And hold this."

He handed her a black box with wires coming from it. Brooklyn looked at him skeptically, "That's not important is it?" she asked.

Stiles looked at the Hale girl sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck. "I don't know, I hope it's not."

"Oh my god." Brooke mumbled under her breath, her eyes growing wide. The Stilinski boy went back to trying to fix his jeep, Lydia and Brooklyn sharing a look.

Hearing Malia roar, the three of them whipped their heads towards her. "Hey, Malia!" Stiles shouted when the werecoyote ran off after whatever she had spotted.

"Kira, go!" Lydia commanded before turning towards Stiles who was preparing to go after them, "You. Fix the jeep."

"Stiles, focus!" Brooke demanded as the Stilinski looked like he was still going to chase after the two girls. He gave both the Martin and the Hale a look as he begrudgingly complied.

A few minutes later and Stiles had managed to get the jeep working again. Which conveniently lined up with the return of Kira and Malia. Brooklyn's eyes shined purple as she watched the two run back over.

The Hale girl limped over to the werecoyote seeing the wound on the girl's stomach. Brooke placed her hands on Malia's shoulders, her eyes glowing a brighter shade of purple as she healed her.

"Thanks." Malia told the girl once there was no sign of the injury ever being there, Brooklyn nodding in reply. They all climbed into the jeep after that; Malia and Stiles in the front and the other three girls in the back.

"You..." Stiles turned his head towards the werecoyote next to him only taking his eyes of the road for only a couple seconds, "You please don't do that ever again!" he exclaimed.

"Do what?" she asked.

"I... I thought you just took off. I thought you were running." he explained.

"I was running." Malia said, a cute, confused expression on her face.

"No, I mean, like, I thought you were leaving." Stiles told her.

Brooke had a smirk resting on her face as she watched the pair's interaction. Something was going on between the two and she knew it.

"I wouldn't leave without you." the werecoyote confessed.

"Really?" Stiles questioned.

"I would never leave without you." she looked back at Kira, Lydia and Brooke, "Them I would leave."

Healing Hale | Scott McCallWhere stories live. Discover now