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◯ 𝓑𝓻𝓸𝓴𝓮𝓷 𝓖𝓵𝓪𝓼𝓼𝓮𝓼 ◯
★ 𝙳𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚔 ★

Derek was standing in his loft arguing with his younger sister when the security alarming started blaring and flashing a bright red. "What's that?" Cora, his sister, asked after she noticed the machine going off.

"Trouble." was the older Hale's short answer. Not a second later the door was forced open by Ennis, one of the Alphas in the Alpha Pack, his eyes glowing a bright red.

"No, wait. Wait!" Derek shouted but it was already too late, Cora started running at Ennis who effortlessly pinned her to the floor by her throat.

Ennis spoke with a sneer of his face showcasing his fangs, "Ready for a rematch?" he asked, just as Kali, another Alpha, strutted in with her signature no shoes on, clawed toes out.

With a growl, she went straight for the Hale boy, twirling in the air trying to claw at him with her foot. She ran down the few stairs coming level with Derek who was taking a few paces back preparing to fight.

Kali was spinning and kicking trying to hit Derek with her feet, but each time he avoided them. He caught one of her legs lifting and spinning her through the air.

However, she landed safely in a crouch with one hand on the floor. They growled at each other before the girl Alpha broke a pipe off from the ceiling, steam hissing out from the open ends.

Twirling it in her hands, she hit Derek in the face with it, then on the shoulders causing him to fall to the floor on his front. She then proceeded to shove it through his back, the Hale letting out a roar in pain. Luckily, it wasn't fatal.

Whilst the green eyed Hale let out gasps of pain, Deucalion, the leader of the Alpha Pack who was blind, made his way down the steps with the help of his stick.

"Everybody done? 'Cause just listening to that was exhausting." his bored voice drawled out as he made his way over to Kali and Derek.

"So... Let's chat." he said as he was right in the Hale boy's face. Once he has taken a seat on a chair he had pulled over he spoke again, "Sorry about this, Derek, I asked Kali to be gentle, but..."

"This is me being gentle." came the annoyed voice of the female Alpha, still firmly gripping onto the pipe that went right through Derek.

The older Hale was still letting and grunts and whimpers in pain. Despite not having much strength he still managed to speak, "Let her go."

Deucalion signalled to Ennis to let Cora go and he obliged getting of the Hale girl who immediately started running to her brother.

Derek let out a weak, "No." which had her stopping in her tracks with a look of uneasiness on her face.

"See? We're not unreasonable." Deucalion spoke once again, still sat in the chair with his hands clasped together.

Derek, still grunting, asked, "What do you want? You want to kill me?" his voice sounding weak to his own ears.

Deucalion answered in a neutral tone, "You really think I'm that boring? Don't throw me in with sociopaths like your uncle. I'm a man with far more vision than simple murder. In fact," he started taking of his glasses, folding them up.

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