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Stood in the hospital morgue, Brooke watched as a sniffling Melissa walked through the door wiping tears from her eyes. She came to a stop by the metal table her son lay pretty much dead on that Brooke, Liam, Kira, Stiles and Kira's mum all stood around.

"I still hate this plan." the McCall mother stated, looking down at her incredibly pale son. Brooke gave her a look of sympathy, she hated this plan just as much as she did. "I mean this is pretty significantly terrifying. He looks dead." Melissa continued.

"Give me your hand." Kira's mum requested, holding out her own palm.

Melissa glanced to Stiles and Brooke. "It's okay." the Hale reassured her. The McCall gave the other woman her hand, her eyes still glassy.

The kitsune placed the nurse's hand on her son's chest, right over his heart. Melissa gasped when she felt how cold and lifeless he was. "Wait for it." Kira's mum commanded.

A small smile lit up the McCall woman's face when she felt the tiny beat of Scott's heart. "Is that enough to keep a werewolf alive?" Melissa asked.

"Enough for an Alpha." Kira's mum replied.

"How much time do we have?" the nurse questioned.

"Forty five minutes." the other woman answered.

Melissa nodded, "What happens after that?" she inquired.

"I bring him back the same way." Kira told her.

"No, I mean what happens if he stays like this longer than forty five minutes?" the McCall reiterated.

"No one's told her?" Kira's mum questioned the teenagers.

"What? What happens after forty five minutes?" Brooke asked confusedly. Her chest tightened. Why hadn't they told her either?

The kitsune glanced between Brooklyn and Melissa, "He dies." she stated.

Brooke's eyes widened incredulously, her worry for the McCall boy tripling in a second. Melissa stared at them all with a tight jaw.

Please don't let this go wrong.

✄ ✄ ✄ ✄ ✄

"I'm here. You ready? Try it now." Argent's vice came through the speaker of Stiles' phone.

Brooke's, Kira's, Liam's and Stiles' eyes all adverted to the three laptop that sat on the hospital bed in front of them as the Stilinski tapped a button an the hospital's cctv came up.

They all smiled at the success, Brooke's smile especially bright. They uninterestedly watched the different parts of the hospital for minutes as nothing abnormal happened. Everyone in the hospital going about as usual. Brooklyn was looking at her nails when Liam pointed to one of the screens and asked, "Is that supposed to look like that?"

They all glanced at the screen, seeing that one of the room's footage had cut and 'no signal' was written in its place. "No. No, it's not." Stiles worriedly replied.

"Where is that?" Brooklyn questioned.

"The roof. Someone's gonna have to check it out." Stiles stated.

"I'll go." Kira said, walking over to her stuff.

"Whoa, whoa. This might not just be a malfunction." the Stilinski panicked.

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