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A few days had passed since the death of Boyd and since that horrible night Brooke's father hadn't been seen. She knew he was taking time to heal but was no doubt blaming the whole thing on himself, so she couldn't help but worry.

Yesterday Peter has ended up telling Cora and the boy that ran into the loft last night, who she had yet to have been properly introduced to, the story of how Derek had killed Brooke's mum once they found out the bite was killing her, turning his eyes blue.

Then how she miraculously came back to life because of the supernatural of the place she had died at, only to die in child birth a year later.

So Brooklyn had made sure she was out of the loft when that happened as she didn't ever want to hear that depressing story again.

Then to top it off she'd been told she still had to go to school despite not even having attended one class yet.

So that's where she currently was. One good thing had come from it though, she'd been introduced to the betas' friends.

There was Allison, a cute brunette who could fire a bow perfectly. Lydia, strawberry blonde, incredibly smart and loved fashion. As well as Stiles, weird, brunette and outstandingly sarcastic.

Once they had finished familiarising themselves with each other they had headed to their English class. However Brooke had a shock as she stepped inside. The teacher was the woman the twins had dragged into Derek's loft two nights ago.

She quickly took her seat in front of Scott as the woman she now knew was Ms. Blake, courtesy of her schedule, began talking to the class.

Since the Hale girl hadn't been to school in six years the first few words that came out of the English teacher's mouth confused her.

Anyhow, whatever she was talking about must of somehow be related to the other night, Brooke thought, as she kept making eye contact with Scott, Brooke, Lydia and Stiles as she spoke.

After she had turned away from them, the two teenage boys started whispering to one another, so Brooklyn just slumped in her chair with a sigh already wanting the school day to be over.

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Right now Brooke had a free period, so she ended up walking around the high school trying to find her way round but she'd ended up getting herself more lost and confused.

She was just about to find someone to aid her when she felt the familiar sensation and her eyes start to glow.

Concealing the purple her eyes were demanding to shine so that they were their normal brown, she went in the direction her powers pulled.

This led her to some changing rooms and just as she was about to enter the Alpha twins Ethan and Aiden strolled out. The young Hale scowled at the two and pushed past them into the room.

Inside, crowded around an injured Cora on the floor was Scott, Stiles and Lydia. Breathing out a rushed, "Cora." Brooklyn immediately dashed to her Aunt placing her hands on the older girl's chest, healing the gash on her head.

The rest of them were all sharing looks, obviously taken aback by what whatever had just happened.

Once they had Cora back on her feet Brooke handed her a wet towel and she started cleaning the blood off of her head.

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