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⇦ 𝓑𝓪𝓬𝓴 𝓣𝓸 𝓜𝓮𝔁𝓲𝓬𝓸 ⇦

Remember how Brooklyn hated hunters?

Well, now, she absolutely hates them.

Every punch added more fuel to her hatred. She despised them from the bottom of her toes to the tips of her fingers. Why her fingers? Because they were currently tied above her head.

But there was one group of hunters she hated more than any other. The Calaveras. This was the second time now she was being tortured by them. This time, though, she was alone. And Peter wasn't to blame.

The Spanish hunters had broken into the loft, guns blazing, when it was just her and her dad. They were asking where La Loba is, who the hell that was, Brooklyn had no idea.

But then, a smoke bomb had gone off and somehow the supposed to be dead Kate Argent had appeared. It was then that Brooke had blacked out and woken up here with no sign of her dad or the Argent.

Every blow she received sparked unimaginable amounts of pain along her body. She wouldn't be surprised if she looked in a mirror and saw an array of black and blue instead of a teenage girl.

Her head hung low, her wrists stinging from scraping against the rope for so long. She'd given up on fighting back a while ago. In the windowless room they were keeping her in she had no idea wether it was day or night but she knew it had been weeks now and there was no hope for her rescue.

The hunter paused in his relentless beating of her body to ask her the same question she'd been asked numerous times by now. They couldn't seem to get it through their thick skulls that she didn't know.

"Where is La Loba?" he asked in a strict tone, wiping the sweat of his forehead with a towel.

Brooke let out a sigh, lifting her head and looking at him through the black, messy tangles she calls her hair. "I don't know." she breathed out weakly.

He shook his head tutting, "Thats not the answer we're looking for." he stated in his thick Spanish accent. He was about to resume his punching when another hunter walked into the room. They conversed in Spanish before the hunter came back over to Brooklyn.

Expecting for the beating to resume Brooke prepared herself for the impact. So when she felt her wrists become free she was more than a little confused. The hunter roughly took her arm leading her out of the room.

Throughout her whole time here she hadn't left that one room, so this was definitely gaining her attention. Just about managing to walk, every step blasting immense amounts of pain, she was led down several corridors before the hunter pulled open a large metal door. What she saw made her heart break.

"Scott..." she breathed out, shock lacing her town. He was tied to a metal chair in the middle of the room. That chair had many wires attached to it which connected to an electrics box which Kira stood behind, being gripped onto by another hunter.

At the sound of his name he lifted his slumped head. "Brooklyn..." he whispered. His eyes scanned over her beaten and bruised body, a worried look filling his eyes. He watched uselessly as the hunter holding her dragged her over and strapped her to the chair next to his.

"Let her go." he tried to reason with the leader, Araya. "Look. You've got me. Just let the others go." his eyes glanced over to the Hale girl every few seconds, checking that they were leaving her alone.

He sighed when the huntress ignored his pleas, observing as Brooklyn's chains got tightened. "Your hand goes here." the hunter holding Kira told her, placing her hand over the voltage dial. "So, let me explain what's about to happen.

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