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That was the real name for the demonic ninjas. It was stupid. Brooke much rather preferred what she and the twins had come up with.

She'd also learnt that Kira was a kitsune, which was a Japanese trickster spirit and a nogitsune, was a dark one.

However, that wasn't important right now. The whole pack were trying to find one Stiles Stilinski because he had sleepwalked somewhere and gotten himself into trouble.

The weird thing was that Brooke couldn't sense him being injured like she was able to the night they'd rescued the parents from the Darach. Something about the whole situation didn't feel right to Brooke.

Brooklyn shivered and pulled her coat tighter around her body, her and Derek were stood on the roof of the hospital since her dad had done a sweep of the place with his enhanced sense of smell.

The doors leading into the building burst open and out came Scott and Isaac. The two werewolves quickly made their way over the the father and daughter.

"He's not her. Not anymore." Derek told the pair.

"You mean the whole building?" Scott asked.

"Gone." Derek replied.

"I'll go tell Stilinski." Isaac said, referring to Stiles' dad, and hurried back inside the hospital.

Scott came and stood beside Brooke and Derek, he looked at the girl. "You can't sense him being injured?" he asked her broken-heartedly.

"No," she said softly, "I should be able to, just, there's something wrong." both her and the True Alpha looked down sadly.

"Notice how strong the scent is up here?" Derek asked the McCall boy once he looked up again, "Ever head of chemo signals?"

Scott shook his head, "Chemical signals that communicate emotion. And just our sweat can give off anger, fear of disgust. Take a deep breath and tell me what you feel."

The teenage werewolf did just that, closing his eyes he breathed in deeply. "Stress." he said.

"And anxiety." Derek added. Brooke felt really sorry for Stiles, she had no idea what he was going through.

"What was he doing up here?" Scott inquired.

"I don't know." Brooke's dad answered, "But there was definitely some kind of struggle."

Scott's eyebrows drew together, "With who?"

"Himself." Derek said shortly.

❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

Now, Brooke and her dad were walking through the halls of the high school still looking for Stiles. Brooke was really cold and she had multiple layers on, she could only begin to image how cold Stiles was.

Her phone buzzed in her pocket making her jump in surprise. She got it out, to see that Scott was calling her. Brooke answered and immediately asked, "What's going on?"

Scott's happy voiced sounded from the other end of the line, "We found him. He was out in the woods, my mum and Raphael figured it out."

Brooklyn let out a sigh of relief, "Thank goodness."

✄ ✄ ✄ ✄ ✄

Brooklyn sat with her dad and Scott outside of Stiles' hospital room. After they'd found him they had taken him straight there and he was currently having a CT scan so the doctors could find out if he had the form of dementia that his mother passed away from.

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