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Brooke stood with her arms crossed and a look of dislike covering her face as she stared at Kira's mum. They'd called her over to see if the Stiles they had was the real Stiles or the nogitsune.

The Hale girl had never met Kira's mum before but after around ten seconds of staring at her she'd already decided she didn't like the woman. There was just something about her.

She stopped her glaring when Scott walked into the room supporting a sick looking Stiles, Melissa trailing behind. "Do you recognise me?" the kitsune asked.

Stiles gave the smallest of nods and managed to take one step forward by himself before Kira barged in saying, "Stop."

"It's okay." Stiles said continuing on his path towards the woman, "I'm the one who asked her to come."

"You're the one who's going to get stabbed with swords." Kira stated worriedly. "Mum, don't do this to him."

"It's already done." she told her daughter. The oni had materialised around Stiles and everyone shared a terrified glance. They quickly grabbed ahold of the boy, one hand on his face to keep his eyes locked on theirs as they searched his soul.

The rest watched on anxiously as Stiles began to shake. Brooke and Scott latching on to each other's hand without realising it.

Stiles dropped to the ground as the oni disappeared. "Look behind his ear." Kira's mum stated as the teenagers rushed down to their friend.

"It worked." Scott told them as he saw the familiar backwards five behind his best friend's ear.

"So, I'm actually me?" Stiles asked.

"More you than the nogitsune." Kira's mum replied.

"Can the oni find him?" Stiles inquired.

"Tomorrow night. It's too close to dawn now." she answered.

Stiles, continuing with his questions, asked, "Can they kill him?"

"It depends on how strong he is."

"What about Lydia. Why would he take her?" now it was Scott asking.

"He would only take her for an advantage." the woman told the True Alpha, her facial expression not having changed since she'd arrived at the McCall house.

"You mean her power?" Brooke said.

"The power of a banshee."

✄ ✄ ✄ ✄ ✄

Sat in the back of Stiles' jeep, Brooklyn shared a wide-eyed look with Scott as he and Stiles hurriedly climbed into the front.

They'd worked out they needed to talk to a girl from Eichen House called Meredith in order to find Lydia. So after a lot of rushing around and fighting Eichen's workers they'd managed to get the girl into Stiles' jeep.

She looked expectantly at the two boys in front of her as they turned around to start interrogate her. Brooke sat as far away as possible from her on the bench because she was, quite frankly, freaked out by the girl.

"Okay. Where's Lydia?" Stiles asked.

"Who's Lydia?" Meredith responded, eyes darting between the three of them.

Scott, Stiles and Brooke all looked at one another.

This was going to take a while.

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