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❝ 𝓝𝓸 𝓗𝓪𝓫𝓵𝓸 𝓔𝓼𝓹𝓪𝓷𝓸𝓵 ❞

Brooke hated Hunters.

She really hated them.

Tears streamed out of her brown eyes as the sound of electricity crackling filled the room once again. The sound reverberating of the walls and causing sadness to well in her heart.

She was in Mexico, being held captive by hunters with her dad and Peter, watching as they had electricity course through them to prevent them from shifting.

Her brown eyes glowed to their fluorescent purple as she witnessed what little family she had left being tortured. It was almost as if her powers were trying to reach out and stop her dad from suffering.

Her sympathy didn't stretch to Peter as he was the one who got them in this mess in the first place. So he was kinda getting what he deserved right now. But her dad didn't deserve to suffer.

She wasn't it the best condition herself; since she wasn't a werewolf the hunters weren't able to tie her up and electrocute her like her dad and Peter because she'd die. So they'd resorted to a good old fashioned beating.

Every part of her body ached and every time she even slightly shifted her sitting position on the floor, where she'd been tied to a pole by her hands, it felt like she was being set alight.

She didn't want to begin to image what the hell she looked like.

Her father turned to glare at his uncle venomously. Peter shrugged as best as he could with his hands bound to a metal railing, "Why are you looking at me like this is my fault?" he asked.

Derek hung his head down completely exhausted, his body covered in a layer of sweat and said, "Because it is your fault."

The Hunter then turned up the voltage causing both the werewolves to scream in pain. All Brooke could do was sit and watch as they desperately tried to writhe away from the electricity.

"Yeah, you're probably right." Peter uttered, his head spasming up and down and his body twitching. This made both father and daughter turn and glare profoundly at him.

  ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

The crackling of electricity was constant now as a Hunter sat with his back to the three Hales, one of his hands playing lazily with the voltage dial.

"You see this equipment?" he asked with his thick Mexican accent, "Very old. The settings are not quite accurate anymore. So it's hard to tell just how far to turn the dial."

"I think it's a little high." Peter told him. The two Hale werewolves were both jerking around from the current and there were sparks flying of the metal left, right and centre.

The Hunter just turned the dial more. "I've seen some crack their teeth. Others, they just shake and shake even after their heart stops. Sometimes we don't even know their dead." He turned the dial down, "But nobody wants to play a guessing game.

So, why don't you just tell us? Where is la loba?" He came to stand in front of the trio, his eyes flicking to each of them.

"We don't know where la loba is." Derek just about managed to say out with a weak roll of his eyes.

"No? Maybe you need a different method of persuasion?" the Hunter said unemotionally. "Maybe we cut one of you in half, the others talk?"

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