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𓆟 𝓕𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓽𝓪𝓲𝓷 𝓸𝓯 𝓨𝓸𝓾𝓽𝓱 𓆟

"Do I really have to be here?" Brooke questioned.

"Yes." Scott answered as he led her through the school grounds the next day, keeping a hand on her arm to make sure she doesn't run away, "It's important to keep up good grades."

Brooklyn furrowed her eyebrows at him, "My grades are terrible." she stated.

"Well, then being at school is even more important so you can get your grades up." Scott replied smiling at Brooke's annoyed face.

"I should be with my dad-" she started.

The True Alpha stopped walking and stood in front of the Hale girl, grabbing both her arms gently, avoiding any of her injuries. "If anything was wrong Lydia would've called. We can go there after school, okay?"

Sighing, Brooke agreed. She knew there was nothing she could do as of right now. Scott brought her into a hug before spotting his best friend and leading Brooklyn over to him.

Once they got to him, Stiles immediately launched into a story about him and Malia. "So it's, like, two in the morning. I wake up and she's just lying right next to me. She just sneaks in. This was, like, five times a week."

"And then what happens?" Scott questioned.

"This..." Stiles said, stopping and lifting up the back of his T-shirt to reveal nail marks. Brooke giggled, bringing a hand to her mouth to try and quieten the laughs.

Scott's mouth formed an o, "Holy..."

"Yeah, right on, right?" Stiles stated, carrying on walking. "After that, we spent the rest of the night spooning."

"That sounds okay." Scott replied, remembering how he and Brooklyn had woken up this morning.

"Yeah, but I'm always the little spoon. Always." the Stilinski boy added, using his finger to represent two spoons.

Brooke laughed even harder, "This just keeps getting better." she told him. Stiles sent her annoyed look and she smiled cheekily back.

Getting back on track, Scott asked, "This means you guys are together, right? You're dating?" He knew that he was being a little hypocritical as he didn't know where he stood with Brooklyn. Although, there had never really been a good time to ask her.

"I don't know, sometimes the way she looks at me, I think she knows I'm not telling her something." the Stilinski replied.

"You mean Peter?" Scott questioned.

"What about Peter?" Brooke asked confusedly.

The Alpha turned to her, coming to a halt. "Um," he scratched his neck awkwardly. He wasn't trying to keep this from her it was just he hadn't found the time to tell her yet. "Malia is Peter's daughter."

The Hale girl's eyes widened, her face displaying her complete and utter shock. "Peter has a daughter!?" she exclaimed questioningly.

"Yeah," Stiles put in, "your grandmother took his memories so that he didn't know. But he somehow found out."

Brooklyn blinked a couple times, a dazed look upon her face as she tried to process the information. "And your sure that the daughter is Malia." The two boys nodded in conformation.

The Hale girl bit her bottom lip. Malia was her cousin and Peter had a daughter. That's definitely not something you find out everyday.

Continuing on their walk once again with Brooke now a step behind them as she thought things over, Stiles got back to the original conversation, "We've got to tell her, Scott."

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